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New Role: Vigilante

Unread postPosted:April 8th, 2016, 7:17 pm
by Game master
We have police, but what does every society, every country, and every city have that the police hate and the citizens either see as a hero or see as a villain? A vigilante. This is a player who is sick of seeing the police take too long or become corrupt. This player is taking things into their own hands.

The Vigilante can detain and even bring people to jail, but only the actual jails. Cops should be able to arrest an on duty Vigilante for Vigilantism.

This is a role that should only be available for MVP+, at least MVP.

Black Cap
Military Nightvision
Black bandana
Black hoodie
Black Duffle Bag
Cargo pants

Butterfly Knife


handcuffs 3
handcuff Key 1
Cross Scope

Re: New Role: Vigilante

Unread postPosted:April 8th, 2016, 7:33 pm
by danzeman00
We have police, but what does every society, every country, and every city have that the police hate and the citizens either see as a hero or see as a villain? A vigilante. This is a player who is sick of seeing the police take too long or become corrupt. This player is taking things into their own hands.

The Vigilante can detain and even bring people to jail, but only the actual jails. Cops should be able to arrest an on duty Vigilante for Vigilantism.

This is a role that should only be available for MVP+, at least MVP.

Black Cap
Military Nightvision
Black bandana
Black hoodie
Black Duffle Bag
Cargo pants

Butterfly Knife


handcuffs 3
handcuff Key 1
Cross Scope
Once again why is this role needed? What does it add that isn't already inside RP? We appreciate the effort on your part for making roles but personally I don't think this is the right direction. Look for things we don't have a role that covers it, don't make it more specific because then you have the player base broken up! It might make it so no one on is a key role that you might need. Like what if everyone changed to this class and there were never cops online! This role would be useless.

Re: New Role: Vigilante

Unread postPosted:April 8th, 2016, 8:09 pm
by KingOfColors
-1000000 No need for this Role, we already have enough police officers

Re: New Role: Vigilante

Unread postPosted:April 8th, 2016, 10:48 pm
by WildWest
Its a good idea, but we need COPS to arrest BANDITS we dont need COPS to distract with vigilants, great idea Game Master but we need more officers to go against bandits