Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for PvP Servers Here!
By patcotts
I thought it would be cool idea if you guys added custom gun kits. This would allow people to buy guns kits where you could buy one, two, or three guns. All it would do is use the same proccess as when you buy one of the existing kits, except it would be possibly cheaper cause its just the guns without the full kits. I hope you take this into consideration cause my friends and I are supporters of your server I personally bought a MVP+. I'll be awaiting your responses.
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By J011yR4nch3r
Sounds like a great idea! Do you mean buy kits in game that cost bamboo, or real currency? I feel like loadout kits might be too pay to win, unless they are bought with bamboo. For example, you could type /kit Soldier, and receive say a maplestrike, alice, and military clothing, but it deducts from your bamboo balance the cost of each individual item. This would be quicker than saying /buy alice, /buy maplestrike, /buy 1011, /buy 1012...etc. I like this idea if this is what you mean, however buying kits that can be spawned in every hour might be too OP. People could just spawn in a kit soldier every hour and never have to buy any weapons. To nerf this, it might have to be limited to once every 24 hours. Either way, it would be pretty cool! +1
By patcotts
No I meant like donations kits where you could choose 1 2 or 3 guns and also a tier of guns so the high the tier weapons the long it takes before you can use the kit again
Tier 1: 2 hours
Tier 2: 3.5 hours
Tier 3: 5 hours
you know something like that so its not too op
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By Mushy
I feel like loadout kits might be too pay to win, unless they are bought with bamboo. For example, you could type /kit Soldier, and receive say a maplestrike, alice, and military clothing, but it deducts from your bamboo balance the cost of each individual item.
Jayy talked to me on steam about this idea and that's exactly what I thought would be the best way implement it.
No I meant like donations kits where you could choose 1 2 or 3 guns and also a tier of guns so the high the tier weapons the long it takes before you can use the kit again
Both ideas are compatible. There would be no problem in having longer cooldowns on more OP kits.