Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for PvP Servers Here!
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By Sp4x
I personally think if you would rob for bamboo you don't use /pay i wish for paper notes to be more useful and your /balance of your bamboo is basically your bank unless you in a area that supports credit you can only use cash/paper notes it would make role play ALOT i'm saying ALOT more fun and you would need to go to banks to withdraw and deposit money.

Also if this is added you should add another command to rob shops like /robshop (shop name/location) and a command /playercheck to see how much money they have on them so while robbing they can't just say oh i don't have money because in real life you would be able to see that stuff and it would make rp alot more fun.
Why did you make a new post? I literally just made one on the same thing.