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By Ekixen
I changed my name, and someone got offended over it and i got banned by spirt. I want to get unbanned and in return i will change my name to something that spirt doesnt get so triggered by.

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By Helena
I changed my name, and someone got offended over it and i got banned by spirt. I want to get unbanned and in return i will change my name to something that spirt doesnt get so triggered by.

this is being talked on discord. acording to spirit, he gave you a warning to change your name
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By 2spirt
This should be under Ban Appeals or Report a Player, but whatever.

First off "something that Spirt doesn't get triggered by"
Really now? Staff Disrespect is not going to help your situation right now buddy.

I am 100% sure that I have you at least 2 warnings in chat, which I didn't have to do. I was courteous enough to give you 2 chat warnings before I banned you for 2 days. Contact an admin if you want to see logs. But if you really think about it, why would I lie about something that can easy be checked, and get me demoted? Why would I risk my staff position that I worked hard to secure, on something as meaningless as a lie? I did not lie. I warned you twice in chat. I didn't have to warn you, but I did. Be thankful for that. You ignored my warnings, so I proceeded to ban you. I was doing my job, and I believe I did it well. Good day to you.
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By Ekixen
You did not warn me, and if i am proven wrong i will apolagize, and what is a name that you think would be acceptable? would Eki be acceptable? and btw there is nothing about an "offensive name" in the rules.
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By Miku
Rules you went against.

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By Miku
Appeal on the forums if you want to be unbanned/wait for your temp ban to expire.

Eki should be fine.

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