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Im Build a Base in Outlon Isle Im Protec the Base with sentrys i close the island for only air acces secrets rooms walls etc and today i wake up enter the game and nothing no walls no sentry no locker no cars no beds i have too many floor to break in 1 nigth its not a raid or trolling my house disappear with all the things in my house i invest 80K of money to build my base and 5 hours and dissapear with out a mensage The Server its PandaHut #15 My Nick: MOTB
Please help i invest much time in this base

Thanks For you Help In Advance
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By Flopdup
Your base was PROBABLY raided as #15 is a kitPvP server and everything costs less than other servers, which means someone could've just bought a rocket launcher, cerberus, lancer, etc. the ammo for it is not that expensive either.
All the metal floors around the island and under water lockers dissapear and a safe house on charlottes town for emergencies disappear too
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By Aren
Most likely raided or salvaged by a group member.

We do not refund bases on pvp servers.
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By Mushy
Hey man,

I would advise not building very intricate bases on KitPvP as they never last very long due to the nature of the game mode. Unfortunately we cannot refund you for the raided base.

In case you need any further assistance please feel free to create a new topic under our Help Forum Section.

Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your feedback!
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