Ban/Mute Appeals Discord and any other Pandahut Service besides Unturned game servers (including RP).
A new Ban Appeal has been submitted by SBBB2.
  • In-Game Name: Video of fish smoking CIGARETTE
  • Ban ID: P56650
  • Ban Length (If Known): Permanent
  • Time of Ban: 16:10
  • Server: Pandahut #26 [Vanilla+] [Home & TPA] [Dedicated]
  • Banned by Staff Member: I dont know
  • Reason of Ban and Your Explanation: So I was joking around and I was making some inappropriate jokes about people below the age of 18. There was a underage person in the chat and I sad a joke to him and he didnt understand the joke. He thought I meant it literally and he probably reported me or a mod saw it. I would like to get unbanned because I like to play on pandahut servers and I have great ping on them unlike other server that are in America.