Ban/Mute Appeals Discord and any other Pandahut Service besides Unturned game servers (including RP).
A new Ban Appeal has been submitted by MELLLLLLLLLLL.
  • In-Game Name: MELLLLLLLLLL DİSCORD : yesdude_33
  • Ban ID: 51239
  • Ban Length (If Known): perma
  • Time of Ban: 09/25/2024 21:27:12
  • Server: Pandahut Semi-Vanilla Servers
  • Banned by Staff Member: Sir Pablo
  • Reason of Ban and Your Explanation: Pandahut #4, I have been banned for about 4 months I was banned for abusing the game bug, now this bug has been removed with the new update and I really regret what I did, you can understand this if you look at my history of appeal applications I promise to repeat what I did and I ask you to forgive me I am an active player on your server, my kd rate was high and I want to increase it.

    I was also banned from the discord server for filing too many appeals and I will not do it again I apologize
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By Classified_
Denied, you keep reappealing, alt evading, and breaking our rules.
We simply have enough.