Ban/Mute Appeals Discord and any other Pandahut Service besides Unturned game servers (including RP).
By jumbo_the_dummy
A new Ban Appeal has been submitted by jumbo_the_dummy.
  • In-Game Name: .jumbo1
  • Ban ID:
  • Ban Length (If Known):
  • Time of Ban:
  • Server: Pandahut discord server
  • Banned by Staff Member:
  • Reason of Ban and Your Explanation: I got banned on pandahut discord for a racist joke comment towards a member of the said discord server. I understand that it was against the rules of Ph and i understand the consequences of my actions. That's why i'm writing this appeal to address the staff team of PH and express my forgiveness for my actions as it was against the rules. I hope that by writing this appeal and addressing the staff of pandahut i can get another chance and get unbanned on pandahut's discord.
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By Classified_
If we were to unban you, you realize we wont be as forgiving if something was to happen again?