Ban/Mute Appeals Discord and any other Pandahut Service besides Unturned game servers (including RP).
By Real_MapleLeaf
A new Ban Appeal has been submitted by Real_MapleLeaf.
  • In-Game Name: discord name: mapleleaf_ steam name: realmapleleaf
  • Ban ID: [Ban ID: P48601]
  • Ban Length (If Known): perma ban
  • Time of Ban: idk
  • Server: pandahut #26 vanilla +
  • Banned by Staff Member:
  • Reason of Ban and Your Explanation: banned, third time, idk why i keep on getting banned, is it like a glitch or something? heres what it said: You were kicked from this server because: [Ban ID: P48601] [Permanent Ban] You are banned for 'TGYDUP48599 - Monday, August 26, 2024 ANTATL'. Visit for questions. this is the third time i got banned for no reason, if you guys could help me that would be cool 👍
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By dsod
Hey im unable to find your ban using your discord name
You arent banned on our discord

If you wish to appeal your in-game ban, you will have to do so on our discord