You can talk about our Unturned Roleplay Servers here!

Online Hours (Example: 5PM to 9PM EST):253

Time Zone: EST

Time (in Hours Total) I Have Been Playing at Pandahut:bout a year

Steam ID:76561198262262794

Steam Profile Link:

Staff Member(s) That Have Referred Me to Fill out This Application:none

Do I Have A Microphone and Am I Willing to Use It Often:yes

Administrative Experience on any Other Servers, with Proof:

Why I Think I Should Be A Staff Member:cause im on at nigth whne no mods are and i get kosed all the time

What does KoS mean and is it allowed?:kill on sigth

Have you been banned on pandahut before? If yes, why?:yes i dindt know the rules and i shot ayo by acdent

Did you read all the rules and you know them perfectly for both pandahut and the rp server? (This will be checked later on):yes but just for the rp sever canuse thats the only one i want to be a mod on

If you'd see a person claiming he got KoSed what would you do? (As a moderator): i ask him who it was and then i get both sides of the story be four i do anything is another mod has not done so befour me

OOC: out of charcker whne someone does not rp but tryies to play like its a normal sever

in game names is ark guard blackstar and steam name is ablackstarty
Last edited by blackstary on March 5th, 2016, 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You forgot to answer the question "What does OOC mean"?