You can talk about our Unturned Roleplay Servers here!
By Sudath
also keep in mind there are like 8 year olds playing this game XD
I have nothing to counteract that point, we could kill them all off or go back to white listing on #10 or just assure they all know by say a huge announcement.
kill them off hahahah. but honestly i feel like there can be some changes. +1
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By Game master
The RP is lacking, there needs to be a greater punishment for FailRP and rules such as Meta Gaming to be in place, if there was to be more serious rules the staff team would have to be taught all the rules and how to deal with them. In my opinion the RP is to kept to a minimum and should instead be encouraged. For example the role: Lawyer I personally find fun on games such as A3L (Arma 3 Life) but as 1/2 the cop team are new and don't understand RP as it isn't encouraged too much by people they just either shoot criminals or arrest them. I'm aware some people like the server as it is and from this they think my idea is a bad one so just in case @RagnarosPower thinks this is a ok-ish idea to add a more strict RP environment I will be leaving a poll to get other user's opinion!

Thanks for reading.
Most players can be prideful when playing any server. Just last night a player shot me and I sprayed him down. He came back and his loot had been picked clean of the good stuff. He was so pissed that he literally told me he would KOS me anywhere and he would get away with it because I killed him once.

Players get caught up in the stupidity and RolePlay is forgotten.