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By The Duke II
Quick Update Pandas,
Although the election is upcoming i have not abandoned my duties as mayor, and have in fact come up with even new initiatives that will be continued if you elected me as a second term:
Marriage RP
Funeral RP (for members leaving pandahut)
Update on police:
The PSD has now officially disbanded but the mayor's office has been fully prepared for this for weeks.
Matt's new FBI will be officialy recognized as the new official police group of PEI. 100k funding will be granted to this group to help it get started.
Well done Matt for this excellent initiative and the government is behind you 100%.
New Church RolePlay group:

dont take it too seriously haha, it's just for a good laugh to improve rp
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By Danny Dog
OH wait a minute its perfectly fine that orange is building them and selling them on the forums, but its not ok for me to have one...….which btw I didn't even build, I permanently borrowed it from a good friend of mine. seems fine to me

Thank you
No you should report anyone with vehicles like that
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By The Duke II
At around 8 pm gmt+2, i will be on pandahut 13 to give away free sentries to civilians due to a lot of raiding that has happened recently.
Funding to the FBI in the coming weeks if i am elected again will also help to alleviate the problem.
See you tonight pandas :popcornpanda:
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By MattCobra
Duke has been a really good help, helping me repair the FBI station and granting us search warrants. He is also planning on paying us (soon) some money to give our officers salary.

One good word to describe Duke’s term is Change. PEI has seen so much change since the start of Duke’s term. Things have genuinely changed for the better and Duke has tried harder than a lot of the previous Mayor’s this year, spending mountains of money trying to make PEI a better place.

I applaud you on this good term Duke. Some of PEI’s best times came this month.
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By The Duke II
Although i find myself in the middle of an electoral campaign, campaigning for a 2nd term, i have not abandoned my duties as mayor for the 1st term in the slightest.
Today i helped to build up again the 'FBI' base after parts of it decayed.
I am also aware that a new group called the Blackhats have emerged as a criminal group, lead by the late mod Matt Newton.
The 'FBI' and myself have devised a classified strategy to defeat the 'Blackhats'. We have defeated the PKBG, FTP and soon the Blackhats will be eradicated from the face of PEI.
I trust the citizens know that Matt Newton is the Boss of this group and make the right decision in the election.
Make sure to vote in the election, it is your democratic right & duty!
The FBI base design is designed in the very modern style & is now the official police group on #13.

Election buses by some of my supporters:
FBI base
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By RageQuit
Locked at dukes request
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