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By Tickle

There was a moderator on and raiding the police base with his group.

Multiple people said after the raid was over because all members were killed the moderator was still shooting the police base. ( assumed he died)

So in teamspeak the conversation started where people were talking about if he knows the rules that have been changed. because he was a long time not online.

I simply replied to that: If a Mod hasn't been online for several days. he should read the rules before joining the server. he should be treated like an other person on the server if he breaks the rules.
(didn't say this, but is kinda obvious. normal players should read the rules regularly to check if new rules have been added aswell.

nathan: hes a moderator, first ask him if the rules had changed and if he knew it. I wanne be a nice person and just give him the change of doubt.

( Wich i do agree on, being a nice person is important. but rules are there to be lived by.)

I: so because hes a mod he should be treated in a different way then normal players?

He got mad, told me he was leaving to a different channel to calm down.

This is not the exact usage of all words, since this was a teamspeak conversation and NO RECORDS HAVE BEEN MADE.

totally not on topic, afterwords we found out what we assumed wasn't correct about the raid. but this is not why the post has been made.

This is why i made this post:

after a minute or 2 i sended nathan a message asking he could send me a text when hes relaxt again.

he replyed to me the following:
- you Arent a mod
- next time you argue with me
- im giving you a half day ban

nop im not

Nathan: Please do
you are arguing with me for no given reason

tickle: going topandahut admins with this
what u think u are
its the simple truth. mods need to now the rules. no argue about it.
afterwords i asked if we could talk it out before i would take this to forums. since he simply denied it, i came here.

I have evidence to conclude in this. Wich are the texts that happend in teamspeak.

My assumption is:

that he raged over the fact i simply stated a piece of the rule, that any player, mod or player should know the rules before joining, seen allot of people being banned half a day for not knowing them, and i don't believe there should be a special treatment for others.

He couldn't handle it , got mad and after i asked to talk, he threaten me with a Ban. for no clearified or Legal reason in my point of view.

Me being not a mod, doesn't mean i'm not allowed to say that anyone should know the rules and be treated the same.

I don't believe i should be threatent when i just simply stated a fact, and i would get a ban for it.
Some Mods think they are god, and i believe this is rong.

Last of all, i do not Hate Nathanimal, hes just made a mistake and because we coudn't work this out together i posted this.

Could this get talken over as a normal subject. this is not a report towards the position of nathanimal his Moderator status. He's a good moderator, but just the issue that came up is i believed a strong point in being discust about since we couldn't solve this personally.

I multible times tryed to talk with him about it instead of needing to post this.

a simple chat became an unwanted argument, became an issue. so i came here.

Sincerely tickle
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By Tickle
for the evidence screenshots, you may simple ask them and i will be willing to send this.

Only to moderators and above!
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By Tickle
ARK raied u he was wacthing us raid u sorry for the problem
no problem haha, but its not about the raid or anybody breaking the rules

this topic is about the fact that mods should know they are equal to one another, and have the same rights as other players.

This only is about the RP part, not the other servers... didn't seem to be an issue there
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By RagnarosPower
What I'm understanding is that this ''post'' is about saying mods should not be treated some other way than players? they aren't, it says in the rules. But obviously we give more support to them because they work all the time in order to help the community to be as good as it can, nathan has been going through a lot of different issues and telling him off for forgetting 1 rule out of 100 is quite idiotic in my opinion, if it was a serious issue I'll deal it with him, but this topic is just useless in my opinion because it's just made to put a mod in the spotlight, topic locked.