You can talk about our Unturned Roleplay Servers here!

This is Mr. Lost Sympathy talking.

You see, a recent issue is that, in #10, there is a shortage in staff during certain timezones

My request is that all the #10 mods here post what time they play. This is so that we know where the staff shortage in timezones. Later, I will potentially make a graph showing where there is 1 or no staff at all online.

Made this a sticky because it could prove useful.
I agree for RP there should be set times for Moderators so their is order and justice for those in need of assistance, I noticed it has become very hectic with complaints recently but that is almost 100% due to the increase in player capacity which creates a'lot of chat spam and just overall confusion of who said what which I assume makes it difficult to interpret everything that is happening for the Moderators.
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By WildWest
maybe they can add the /report plugin so people can do /report (name) (reason) BUT if they spam report and always reporting someone for like he killled me and it was always for resisting arrest or robbery get a temp ban after some warnings
Stop making this topic sticky sympathy, I do not find this important enough to be sticky, it can be down below and mods can type whatever you suggested.
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By Nathanimal
I would love to tell you a time that I play, but I'm on at all times everyday during the week, I mostly get off because I can't just play unturned all day :P. If there is a shortage of mods, and I am not sleeping, people usually message me on steam and I get on to assist.
(Sorry rag, I just thought it was bugged. I'll use the sticky function with distrection)

I didn't check your staff app's timezone because I thought it might have changed. I guess I could edit those times in too.