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Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 6:09 am
Steam name : Mrpatch
Age: 19
Rank wanted: Moderator on RP
Hours: 4pm to 9pm
Timezone: Brisbane, Australia
Time spent on server: 50
Steam ID: 76561198098180952
Steam link:
Suggest to fill this out: No one
Mic? Yes
Why i should be one? I enjoy Pandahut it's a fun community to be around/in but I'll see arguments breaking out on the Global Chat between players and it just off sets the mood of the game, I try to step in to stop it from getting out of hand with curse words. I think I should be a Staff Member because I feel like I can give more to the Community then I'm currently giving and I feel I can help using my experience from other games/communities.I can spend quite a few hours on the unturned server each day

Re: Moderator

Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 7:36 am
by Salami
-1, very few hours, also been banned before -- does not know rules.

Re: Moderator

Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 8:39 am
by Jack
-1, very few hours, also been banned before -- does not know rules.

Re: Moderator

Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 12:17 pm
by $atanicPanic
-1 been banned before does not know rules. Best Of Luck Anyways!

Re: Moderator

Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 3:38 pm
by Nick
I can't say much about this application, it's good but you have every few experiences with this server and how it runs. It seems as if you have been banned as well, so it is questionable whether or not you actually know the rules.

Also this isn't the proper format for a role play moderator application, here is the right one:

Good luck MrPatch!


Re: Moderator

Unread postPosted:March 21st, 2016, 6:31 pm
by The Realist
-1 Due to lack of hours, I suggest you get more hours to even be though of (200 ish is perfect )