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By Shade Official
I just want to confirm that HOS (Hurt on sight) Is not allowed as is KOS. It has happened multiple times in which someone hits me or shoots me enough to get me low (sometimes bleeding) then claim its "HOS" not an attempted KOS so I cannot kill them, I don't kill someone instantaneously if they hit me because sometimes its a miss click or what nots.

Anyway away from all the boring KOS/HOS ramblings, what I really want to talk about is shop owners. They say "If your not buying anything get out" but sometimes there is a queue or you just want to ask them the prices. Certain individuals (not mentioning any names) get over protective about their shops and will not tolerate people who aren't sure if they want to buy something purely because they don't know the prices of the items they are thinking about purchasing. I feel that shop owners should formulate a queueing system or just not be so (excuse my language) assholes about people who have a budget and want the prices of items.

Secondly I would like to point out the fact that people who live in their shops are very nervous and tend to overcharge and when you don't want to pay they say GTFO or I kill you get out my base and my response is the actual (language warning) fuck I mean like IRL its abnormal for someone to live in the back of their shops.

Almost lastly, I would like to ask why the cops can "strip search" at random even when you aren't doing anything illegal. I mean like really? I lost my decked out Eaglefire (vert grip, mili drum, dot sight, tactical laser and mili barrel) because it glitched I asked them if they could give me a bit of money so I could buy a new Eaglefire and they refused and started harassing me and I couldn't really do anything because I knew if a mod came it would be 4 people to me.

Finally (the moment you have been waiting for) Why in the actual (language warning) fuck are people so Toxic? (Toxic - When people are mean and generally an asshole purely because you aren't as "important" or good as them or they have had bad past experiences) (GS)Smileman is a primal example of this. He was being a general (language warning) asshole to me because I got him banned for KOS'ing me (I got banned too revenge KOS'd #idiot) and now he has got a little group to hide behind he is being a general disturbance to my experience on the server. I try to reason with him but he doesn't want to listen. He doesn't seem to care about getting banned (has KOS'd me infront of mods 3+ times) and I really feel that people like this should get banned (only if they do this for 2 irl days).
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By Josh
Never heard it called HOS, but there is defiantly a spike in kids trying to mess around and just shoot you once, or punch you once. Everything from kids sniping someone once from a hill, but avoiding killing them, to people calling raids in populated areas for the sole purpose of killing people, and not actually raiding anything. Especially recently the server seems to have gained a lot of players who almost try to get banned, or even just arrested. It is becoming more and more difficult to roleplay.
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By Arashi_tlk
HOS is basically the same as KOS. It's called Attempted KOS. If they are just hitting you a couple times to make you bleed or to kill you without a name showing up. That's still Attempted KOS or straight out KOS. Make sure to inform the mods of such actions. Also, if someone is doing it on purpose, just kill them and let a mod know they were failing at RP, and attempted to hurt or kill you, which you responded with killing them to defend yourself. I recommend recording if you can to prove what happened.

Shop owners, well they are either really cool, or as you're seeing assholes. Just don't deal with the assholes and you will live a happier life. They will eventually go out of business and you won't have to deal with them anymore. And as it being their base, place of living and their shop, that's still their place. They can order you to leave, just leave when they ask you to. Find business elsewhere.

For the Strip searching, there should really be a rule about this already. Banned made a guide to Policing, where he states certain things gives the right for the Police to search you. But in the guide that isn't for everything. Not all Police follow his guide seeing as it's not exactly rules, but just his way of doing things. I've mentioned this whole Strip search for petty things already, and how making people drop everything can glitch out items. This obviously is an issue that should be address very soon before the Police are the ones out of hand.

I can't comment on the Smileman thing, but those that are toxic, just avoid them. Don't entice them, and don't let them egg you on. Simply being the bigger man about it shows that they are petty and maybe they will eventually stop. Just be mature about it all and look over it. If it gets to the point of being poison to the server, report that shit. That's what I would do at least.