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Canadian Bacon for Mayor

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By CanadianBacon
Steam Name and In-game name: Canadian Bacon (most people just call me Canadian)

Age: 17

Rank Wanted: Mayor

Online Hours: 6-11 EST weekday almost all day on weekends

Time Zone: PST

Time (in Hours) I Have Been Playing at Pandahut: 500+

Steam ID64: 76561198071178085

Steam Profile Link: ... 78085/home

Do I Have A Microphone and Am I Willing to Use It Often: Yes

Why do you want to become this certain rank?: Like everyone wants a more stable community with a more certain RP town and more common events, i would like to lead a new construction of the new event arena in PEI (some interesting event ideas paintball tournaments, community feasts, more parties, ect...). My voice mayor will be Kollector, supporting the legalization of all illegal goods and placing more importance on the less known roles.

What are the illegal items: Legalize it man... Berries will be legalized for their medicinal purposes.

Have you been banned on Pandahut before? If yes, why?: Never banned...

Do you know all the rules for the RP2 server?: I am a Mod on the server so a very good understanding.

If a Officer is requesting help,How would you help him: Supplying the police force with higher grade weapons and more experience on the field will help increase the likelihood of the officers returning home to their families. With the increasing amount of crime I do suggest a new police training ground and a new police headquarters.

Buildings Guaranteed: Police headquarters, city hall, new bridges connecting the map, large malls, and new businesses and apartments.