By JordanXcraft - October 6th, 2016, 5:30 pm
- October 6th, 2016, 5:30 pm
Welcome to the Official Recruitment Topic for The R.P.H.D
Need help Being police? Look here - Link 1: ... sp=sharing
Link 2:
You can also apply for the airforce here ... 286#p61286
Note: The R.P.H.D is a group for Washington Roleplay #10
Authorised people to accept application:
- :) Police Captain and owner of the R.P.H.D -[Steam profile]
- JordanXcraft Police Deputy and co-owner of the R.P.H.D -[Steam profile]
- Flopdup Police Captain -[Steam profile]
- Do not place items inside the station
- Do not take anything without asking
- Do not take vehicles without asking a chief+
- Do not go in anyones office without permission
- Do not abuse the safezone
- Do not place beds in the station without permission only high ranks can place beds
- Do not disrespect the Team
- Always listen to your higher ups
- Do not be corrupt
- Do not be biased
- When told where to go and patrol You must follow the rules when doing so
If you will be caught breaking the rule you will be kick and maybe even permanent ban from the R.P.H.D
Always wear the correct uniform
- Military night vision
- Black balaclava
- Spec ops top, bottoms, vest OR Police top, bottom, vest
- Alice pack OR Rucksack
-5 Continuous days at least as police/swat.
- Complete knowledge of how to execute arrests and how to assist other officers.
- HARDCORE RP player
- You need to be at least 12 years old. If younger you need to show us that your mature
- No previous severe bans (mass kos, disrespecting staff, racist comments, etc.)
By applying, you agree to:
- Obey to the terms above
- Obey ranks higher than yourself.
- Never switch roles when in the group.
*Violation of these terms can be grounds for immediate expulsion from the group*
- Never break the server rules.
*Violation of this term will cause immediate expulsion from the group*
If you agree to this terms, please copy the section below in red, paste it in and reply to this topic.
Steam profile link:
Describe in 100 characters why should the R.P.H.D accept you [50 characters minimum]:
Previous bans:
How long have you been police continuously:
Do you have Ts3:
Are you willing to hardcore RP and follow the rules?:
What are the illegal items?:
Rate how much mature you are from 1-10:
Rate your PvP skills from 1-10:
Rate your tactician skills from 1-10:
Rate your piloting skill from 1-10:
Rate your driving skill from 1-10:
Rate your sailing skill from 1-10:
If you see a R.P.H.D. member being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Cop/SWAT being corrup what will you do?:
If you see a Chief being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Deputy being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Captain being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see Flopdup being corrup what will you do?:
If you see a bandit group in Seattle and someone next to them is doing something illegal what will you do?:
If you see a berry farm inside a base, what will you do?:
If there is a hostage situation what will you do?:
If there is a raid situation what will you do?:
If you see a robbery what will you do?:
If you see a drug deal occurring what will you do?:
Is morphine a drug?:
Is adrenalin a drug?:
Is coalition ilegal?:
Is wearing only 1 piece of cop clothes ilegal?:
*Note: Vouches are recommendations from current R.P.H.D members that you should join the group. Vouches are not at all necessary but they will give you a leg up and possibly a faster acceptance.*
After you have replied to this topic, we will look over your application and discuss it. If you are accepted or declined, we will post the decision in this thread. The majority of applications will be responded to within 48 hours unless more time is needed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in game or in steam
Need help Being police? Look here - Link 1: ... sp=sharing
Link 2:
You can also apply for the airforce here ... 286#p61286
Note: The R.P.H.D is a group for Washington Roleplay #10
Authorised people to accept application:
- :) Police Captain and owner of the R.P.H.D -[Steam profile]
- JordanXcraft Police Deputy and co-owner of the R.P.H.D -[Steam profile]
- Flopdup Police Captain -[Steam profile]
- Do not place items inside the station
- Do not take anything without asking
- Do not take vehicles without asking a chief+
- Do not go in anyones office without permission
- Do not abuse the safezone
- Do not place beds in the station without permission only high ranks can place beds
- Do not disrespect the Team
- Always listen to your higher ups
- Do not be corrupt
- Do not be biased
- When told where to go and patrol You must follow the rules when doing so
If you will be caught breaking the rule you will be kick and maybe even permanent ban from the R.P.H.D
Always wear the correct uniform
- Military night vision
- Black balaclava
- Spec ops top, bottoms, vest OR Police top, bottom, vest
- Alice pack OR Rucksack
-5 Continuous days at least as police/swat.
- Complete knowledge of how to execute arrests and how to assist other officers.
- HARDCORE RP player
- You need to be at least 12 years old. If younger you need to show us that your mature
- No previous severe bans (mass kos, disrespecting staff, racist comments, etc.)
By applying, you agree to:
- Obey to the terms above
- Obey ranks higher than yourself.
- Never switch roles when in the group.
*Violation of these terms can be grounds for immediate expulsion from the group*
- Never break the server rules.
*Violation of this term will cause immediate expulsion from the group*
If you agree to this terms, please copy the section below in red, paste it in and reply to this topic.
Steam profile link:
Describe in 100 characters why should the R.P.H.D accept you [50 characters minimum]:
Previous bans:
How long have you been police continuously:
Do you have Ts3:
Are you willing to hardcore RP and follow the rules?:
What are the illegal items?:
Rate how much mature you are from 1-10:
Rate your PvP skills from 1-10:
Rate your tactician skills from 1-10:
Rate your piloting skill from 1-10:
Rate your driving skill from 1-10:
Rate your sailing skill from 1-10:
If you see a R.P.H.D. member being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Cop/SWAT being corrup what will you do?:
If you see a Chief being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Deputy being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see a Captain being corrupt what will you do?:
If you see Flopdup being corrup what will you do?:
If you see a bandit group in Seattle and someone next to them is doing something illegal what will you do?:
If you see a berry farm inside a base, what will you do?:
If there is a hostage situation what will you do?:
If there is a raid situation what will you do?:
If you see a robbery what will you do?:
If you see a drug deal occurring what will you do?:
Is morphine a drug?:
Is adrenalin a drug?:
Is coalition ilegal?:
Is wearing only 1 piece of cop clothes ilegal?:
*Note: Vouches are recommendations from current R.P.H.D members that you should join the group. Vouches are not at all necessary but they will give you a leg up and possibly a faster acceptance.*
After you have replied to this topic, we will look over your application and discuss it. If you are accepted or declined, we will post the decision in this thread. The majority of applications will be responded to within 48 hours unless more time is needed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in game or in steam
Last edited by JordanXcraft on October 24th, 2016, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steam link:
Apply to R.P.H.D Here -
Need help Being police? Look here- Link 1:
Link 2: ... sp=sharing

Steam link:
Apply to R.P.H.D Here -
Need help Being police? Look here- Link 1:
Link 2: ... sp=sharing