You can talk about our Unturned Roleplay Servers here!
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By RagnarosPower
Hello guys, just wanted to inform all of you that pandahut now has a roleplay server! It's temporary without whitelist, but it'll be whitelisted soon! so if you want to be able to join the server when the whitelist is up, apply here!

To join the server connect with this ip: and 27015 as the port!

Make sure you read the roleplay rules! If you don't know them you might end up being banned for something you didn't know wasn't allowed!

Also make sure to read the roleplay information if you're new to roleplay!
Below you will find the rules of our server! Hope you enjoy your stay.

If you do not listen to these rules then you will face consequences.

You cannot KOS (kill on sight) for no reason at all.
The only times you can kill a person is if the following occurs:
  • If somebody steals your car in front of you, then you can shoot him.
  • If somebody is in your base then you can give him 3 warnings to leave, if they do not listen you can kill them.
  • If somebody is robbing you, then you can kill them in order to defend yourself, but you cannot kill them after they robbed you, it has to be done while the robbing is happening.
  • If you got punched/shot at then you can self defense and shoot back, after you've done so, let a staff member know that the person attempted to KOS you.
  • And for the last, the most obvious rule, if you're not roleplaying at all and just going around not talking with anybody and just playing like you would be on a normal server, you'll be warned and if continued, might lead to be taken off the whitelist. (Only if you haven't been doing so for a good amount of time)
- Do not CDM (Car Death Match), this means that you are NOT allowed to kill anyone with a vehicle, not even with a reason.

- Do not argue or use caps in chat.

- Do not suicide or tp away if you are arrested or kidnapped

- Do not make up KOS zones.

- Do not abuse or glitch at any way! (glitched bases, ETC)

- Floating bases are not allowed, it need to be in the law of physics (If you want a base in the sky you need atleast four pillars up to the base)

-You can't pick a role just for the resources you get from it! The role you chose has to be the role you're going to roleplay as!

-In order to raid somebody you have to let them know in the chat (example: Raiding a base in seattle! Once I got in I can KOS!) and then you can go inside the base and raid it, if you find somebody then you're allowed to kill them, once you destroyed their beds the owners of the base cannot come back and the raid is officially OVER. If the warning wasn't written in the chat then it will count as KOS.

Role rules:

--- POLICE ---
- You can not rob or raid as police.
- You can build a base (not to store stuff, to have a jail).
- Can't loot stuff from other people.
- Can kill people who raid or rob. (have to give 3 warnings to get on the ground or lower their weapon, you have to warn them in the chat at least ONCE because some people don't have sound on).

--- BANDIT ---
- You can only rob every 5 minutes (You can't follow a guy and continuously rob him)
- You can only raid every 30 minutes (When you're finished with a raid you have to wait 30 minutes to raid another base)
- You can make a base to store stuff, ETC.
- You have to give the person 3 warnings (you must give at least 1 warning in the chat) before killing the person you're robbing.
- You can only rob players for Visible weapons (has to be on their side or back) and their backpack (you can take any items that drop when they unequip the backpack).

--- BUILDER ---
- Can not raid or rob
- Can get paid for building.

- You cannot sell guns or any other items that are not related to mechanic items.

- You can't pick the role and go around selling stuff because you have the availability of selling guns, you must be situated in a store and sell/buy items to/from people.

- You can not rob or raid as a Doctor.

- You cannot rob as a Chef.

-You cannot rob as a Farmer.
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By Jerry / Tony
I miss simple rules