- July 22nd, 2022, 7:14 pm
Hi Pandas,
It’s been a while since our last announcement, with most updates going under our Discord Server's #patch-notes section as of late. Despite the recent lack of significant updates and additions to our servers, our development team has pulled its efforts together to prepare a huge update for Unturnov 1.25 (1.0) Servers #19 and #30. This is likely the longest announcement we ever posted, so please bear with us for the wall of text below.
Map Changes: Major Overhaul
NPC/Trader Changes
Mod Additions
Plugin-Map Interface Updates
Plugin Changes: Player Sign Shops
What are Sign Shops?
Sign Shops: Quick Guide
Important Notes
Future Plans
Workshop Conflicts, Support
Miscellaneous Changes: General
Special Thanks
If you run into any issues with the changes listed above, please contact a staff member or our #support channel our Discord Server!
We hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy!
It’s been a while since our last announcement, with most updates going under our Discord Server's #patch-notes section as of late. Despite the recent lack of significant updates and additions to our servers, our development team has pulled its efforts together to prepare a huge update for Unturnov 1.25 (1.0) Servers #19 and #30. This is likely the longest announcement we ever posted, so please bear with us for the wall of text below.
Changes, Fixes, and Additions: Unturnov Servers #19 and #30
Map Changes: Major Overhaul
- Increased Performance on Labs and Interchange.
- New Area on Labs.
- Large Woods Expansion - 4x larger.
- Added new spawn points on Woods.
- Factory Expansion.
- Added Factory spawn randomization and more spawns.
- Fixed Interchange spawns.
- Redid Spawntables.
- Removed Deadzone and Darkness from Labs.
- Added Findable Card for Labs entrance and greatly increased loot on Labs.
- Increased loot spawn chance
- Disallowed placement of buildables out in the hallways, except if very close to your apartment wall.
- Added four new apartment floors, for a total of 17 floors composed 4 corridors each.
- Out of these 17 floors, 14 are public and two are reserved for ranked members.
- Replaced the word Apartment in the elevator buttons with Corridor A, B, C, and D.
- Increased loot spawn chance
- Fixed many other minor bugs and performed miscellaneous improvements.
NPC/Trader Changes
- Mechanic
- At least 20 new attachments added.
- Scopes work with quality set to OFF (Thanks to @krezen ).
- Fixed previously unsellable items.
- Prapor
- Several new weapons.
- Increased Prices on AKs.
- Peacekeeper
- Several new weapons.
- Fixed problems with not being able to buy and sell mags.
- Therapist
- New Custom Meds (Again Thanks to @krezen ).
- Scrap Collector
- Increased selling price for most items.
- Ragman
- Removed outfits from Ragman and replaced them with normal clothing.
- Added armor protection into clothing sold by Ragman.
- Increased the armor protection provided by higher-tier clothing.
Mod Additions
- Added DragonFire Studio's Nordic Scope Fix
- Added DragonFire Studio's Tarkov Medicals Mod
Plugin-Map Interface Updates
- XP can now be added and removed while a player is offline, allowing for shop signs to work when the shop owner is offline, or even receive XP funds stemming from support requests, XP transactions made using Discord in a future update, and other integrations.
- Added the /stuck (or /unstuck) command permission for all players on the newly added floors.
- The /door command now awards a Metal Gate [ID 547] instead of a Double Door [Unturnov 1.5 and 1.25].
- Added randomized spawning to Interchange.
- Improved randomized spawning in Woods.
- Players without a rank may now visit Supreme and Ultimate apartment floors, use player shops, and share apartments with other players on these floors. However, they may not place doors or gates.
- In order to access the Ultimate & Supreme Floors, simply use the Bunker elevator.
- You no longer need to speak to Lobby Boy Ranked in order to access these floors.
- You still need to speak to Lobby Boy Ranked in order to access the Exclusive floors.
- Added several administrative commands for staff management of player sign shops and XP.
Plugin Changes: Player Sign Shops
What are Sign Shops?
- The idea behind Sign Shops (video attached) is to give players an added revenue stream, adding gameplay depth in the process.
- Player sign shops work when the shop owner is online or offline.
- If the shop owner is online, they are not required to be near their sign shops in order for them to work.
- The shop owner must ensure that their shop's inventory is never full when buying, or empty when selling.
- In addition to providing a new source of revenue, player shops could increase diversity in item prices, sources, and general variety.
- The currency for sign shops is XP,
- Both Buy and Sell shop signs automatically attach to one or multiple of your storage containers within a 5-meter radius.
- Transaction Confirmation - Similarly to commands like /home and /lobby, you're required to stand still for a few seconds after punching any buy or sell sign shop in order to confirm the trade and leave less room for accidents, scams, and abusive prices.
- The confirmation timer is configured to 3 seconds, and you may only move up to 5 meters, otherwise the trade is automatically
- Signs and placards attached to a player shop may be edited only by first using /removeshop, while aiming at them.
- : Whenever a sign is removed/salvaged, its shop data is also destroyed.
- Fake signs containing the words "punch to buy" or "punch to sell" are disallowed.
- Buy and Sell sign shops may share the same storage containers to streamline the flow of business and save time with inventory management.
- Example: You could place two sign shops sharing the same storage: One sign buys Maplestrikes for 100 XP, and the other sells them for 200 XP.
- This way, if a player sells an item to your sell sign, it effectively resupplies the inventory of your buy sign.
- Sign shops owned by the server now handle their inventory automatically, and work without a storage container nearby [RP-only for now].
- Pandahut staff members and a player's group members may use /removeshop on a player's shop sign.
- Pandahut Administrators may inspect and remove any and all shop signs.
- If you already have a shop on a given sign, the /addshop command will still work, without using /removeshop beforehand. The shop sign must belong to you or your group.
- All sign shop trades and XP changes are logged, along with their date, time, old XP, and new XP.
Sign Shops: Quick Guide
- Shop Owner: Usage Instructions
- General Syntax: /addshop [buy|sell] [ItemName|ItemID] [XPPrice] & /removeshop
- First, place a placard on the outside wall of your apartment.
- Next, place one or more storage containers (of any kind) on the inside part of this wall, near the placard that you placed outside.
- Go up to the placard, look straight at it, and follow the examples listed below.
- Creating a Shop to SELL Items to Players
- Example Usage: /addshop sell Maplestrike 200 - This creates a sign shop that SELLS Maplestrikes for 200 XP.
- The 200 XP is automatically transferred from the customer's XP balance to the shop owner's balance when the purchase is confirmed, even if the shop owner is offline.
- When placing a sell shop, you must have at least one of the items that you intend to sell already present inside one of your storage containers nearby.
- Creating a Shop to BUY Items from Players
- Example Usage: /addshop buy 17 400 - This creates a sign shop that buys Military Drums for 400 XP.
- The 400 XP is automatically transferred from the shop owner's balance to the customer's balance when the purchase is complete, even if the customer is offline.
- You must have enough XP in your balance in order for your buy shops work.
- Removing Your Shop
- : From a close distance, simply look at your sign or placard containing a shop and type /removeshop.
- Alternatively, you can salvage the sign or placard and place it back.
- Editing Sign Text
- In order to prevent scamming and other trickery, you must use /removeshop or salvage it before you can edit it again.
- :PandaPirate: You cannot create fake sign shops by copying the text, colors, etc of a legitimate one onto a sign or placard.
- Shop Customer: Usage Instructions
- All signs already instruct customers to "Point to Buy" or "Point to Sell".
- Simply find the sign shop that you wish to trade with, look straight at the sign (or placard) from a close distance, then use the point gesture at it (Hold C and select Point).
- This will prompt you to wait 3 seconds to confirm your purchase before the XP and goods traded are exchanged between the shop owner and the customer.
- Note that if you move only a few meters during this confirmation period, the transaction is automatically canceled.
Important Notes
- One or multiple sign shops may share one or multiple storage containers by the same owner.
- Players may have up to four sign shops each. This limit may change as we expand the shop feature counting on your feedback.
Future Plans
- Complete Interchange overhaul with custom models to help with performance.
- Add Tarkov Reserve Map.
- Labs Overhaul.
- Add doors with physical keys.
- Add Discord alerts for when players’ sell shop storage containers are full.
Workshop Conflicts, Support
- If you experience problems with workshop conflicts, version mismatch errors, or can't join servers #19 and #30 after this update, please follow our Workshop Help guide, found here: https://pandahut.net/workshophelp/.
Miscellaneous Changes: General
- Generator-Decay Servers: Generator fuel burn rate is now slower for members depending on user activity and rank.
- Fixed issue with decay speed on Generator Decay servers experienced on Wednesday and Thursday.
- Several improvements to our server banning system.
Special Thanks
- These changes were only possible with the amazing help and hard work from @gorge69, @krezen , @Misaki , @Astro , @Botmode, and our unofficial mascot, @dankaby2!
If you run into any issues with the changes listed above, please contact a staff member or our #support channel our Discord Server!
We hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy!
Helpful Links
You can get in contact with me on Discord @Mushy9001 or show your support by joining our Discord, at https://pandahut.net/discord.
You can get in contact with me on Discord @Mushy9001 or show your support by joining our Discord, at https://pandahut.net/discord.