Important website and server-related announcements.
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By Mushy
Hi Pandas,

Today's announcements are regarding updates and changes to our giveaways and matters pertaining our staff team.

Pineapple Giveaways
- :pineapple: Our next Pineapple Role Giveaway is already underway! Check out our #giveaways channel on Discord to enroll!
- :hash: For more info on the Pineapple role and other Server roles, see #roles-info on the Pandahut Discord.

Halloween Giveaways
- :jack_o_lantern: Halloween is also approaching, so stay tuned to our #giveaways channel for Ranks, Bamboo, and XP Giveaways! (Note: XP giveaways apply to Unturnov Servers only.)
- :four_leaf_clover: There will be several giveaways until the month's end, so keep your fingers crossed!

Staff Members
- :santa: A huge thank you @Cookie for being in charge of our giveaways!
- :tophat: This week we also welcome @Kalur to his new position as a Global Administrator. Congrats!!
- :computer: Kalur will be working closely alongside our team to create new plugins & features, and to ensure proper health & maintenance of our servers and the community as a whole.

We hope you're all enjoying autumn and wish lots of luck to everyone who participates in our giveaways!

Enjoy! :LovelyPanda:
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