You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
By that_guy
I bought the mvp+ rank and it gave me the other stuff but not my money PLZ HELP!! :(
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By RegisteredTM
There is a place within the forums under the Support section titled "Donations" where I feel this would be better suited.

Just a little word of advice from a fellow player. :)
By stinkyhobo123
I bought vip and got everything but the 50k they suppose to give XD
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By RegisteredTM
I believe they have to do that via in-game.

It's a command called "apay" that can only be accessed in-game, not through the console.

Your best bet is to either wait or message one of the admins on here and they'll coordinate a time with you. :)
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By Mushy
The perks and bamboo are all awarded automatically. We did have an issue with this plugin on Oct 15th, where it would not award players their ranks properly. Please feel free to add me on steam and we'll sort this out. We're sorry for the trouble!

Thanks for the support.