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By RegisteredTM

I'm drowning in my own saliva over here.

If I could shove myself in my freezer like Cartman from Southpark and not have to wait till next month oh believe me, I would.

The travesty of being tall..
By tShirt
This game will be the bane of gamers across the planet. The ability to full out create your own structures adds so much more to an already incredible experience and just adds to the already enormous amount of replayability.
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By Miku
And watch it release as a bugged, full of startup glitches, and not optimized game.
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By RegisteredTM
Personally I've never had alot problems with Bethesda when it come to release. I know a lot of developers tend to release their games full of bugs *cough* Ubisoft *cough* but when it came to Skyrim I saw maybe one or two bugs that were detrimental to the gameplay. MGS had so many game breaking bugs they had to put notices for you to read before you could play!

All in all I find them to be an awesome developer and I don't have a problem with the bugs. Problems tend to happen when going from beta to live. I'm sure it happens to the best! That doesn't mean the should skimp out on their job; I think pre-orders play a big role in this sort of mind set.