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By Game master
Don't you hate it when people complain that their Insurance sucks? They talk at length about how they only had one accident. "Before the accident, we were like the poster children for safe driving. Yet our near perfect record got us nothing with our insurance"

Saying that is the same as saying "Oh officer I know I was going 100 in a 20mph zone, but I have never killed somebody so I should my good behavior should get me something"

Bitch no, being a safe driver is expected of you. You sign those insurance papers and you are saying that you agree "To be a perfect driver" Being perfect in your driving earns your nothing, it's what your company expects of you because the law expects it too.

Life ain't fair.
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By Game master
You can't come on Pandahut 13 and say "I have played 400 hours on pandahut without a single complaint, ban, or arrest, I should get MVP+ free"