You can talk about anything you ever want here! (Within Pandahut Rules)
By 0Skill
I got permed by krezen for asking big tom and another kid if he wanted to leave and play on my freinds unturnov server so i guess freedom of speach is not a thing anymore. And if you say anything about advertising 1 not my server not getting paid to do it. All i wanted to do is to play unturnov with a freind like breh.
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By Smash
Its a video game not America you don't have rights in a video game. Follow the rules and you wouldn't have to worry about it.
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By RagnarosPower
I got permed by krezen for asking big tom and another kid if he wanted to leave and play on my freinds unturnov server so i guess freedom of speach is not a thing anymore. And if you say anything about advertising 1 not my server not getting paid to do it. All i wanted to do is to play unturnov with a freind like breh.

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