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"Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 26th, 2015, 11:32 am
by Grape
Does anyone else start to shake shortly after killing somone?
Earlier in my Unturned career I would shake killing 1 guy or a lot of zombies.
I havent had shakes like that since but today i was on pandahut #8 and I was on the hill of taylor beach and looked in my inventory, had a maplestrike, 2 drums, honeybadger, green parka, cargo pants, alice and mili. vest. Knowing i had enough room for the feast that just dropped, i looked over guy was swimming and i pulled maple out. 2 shots, he swam underwater and i thought he was dead but i kept thinking that he could hop out and kill me. Heard steps and kept thinking (since it was dark, couldnt be seen) I had my maple on auto and ready.
Head popped up and saw him crawling. He didnt see me! I recognized it was the same guy and since muzzle hid flash and nightime best time to kill.
5 shots he was dead. Looted, sold gear, and saw base builders. Didn't bother, they were nude. Heard a car. Guy in full mili and nvgs. a guy hopped out of a birch base and assaulted. i took the distraction and blew up the truck. Base guy was using a Krykarek and saw him get ruthlessly murdered. I got 3 shots on the nvg dude. ran behind the base and i rushed him. I thought i lost him for a second.

This is were the shakes kicked in. I lost him i was sure. I ran over to the nudes building a base and asked where he went. One pulled a fast one, shot at me with colt and missed 4 times. I killed him and turned to kill friends so they couldnt tpa him back. I ran to my hill to hide when i heard a honeybadger by my feet. I shot at him and killed him looted, healed and ran to my hill. I was shaking so much i couldnt move my guy and ran to the water and looted as much and sold all the gear. I couldn't stand the shakes and had to leave the server. I hate combat loggers and seeing that he was dead it wasnt really a combat log. Im still shaking as typing this. I was playing with some friends on a different server (not pandhut) earlier this year and i was on teamspeak with them and one had the same thing. We were raiding a base at holman and we didnt realize that there was over 4 guys there all geared. We had bedrolls that we found and placed them around the edges of holman and ran in. We took a ll the loot and heard voices. I panicked and threw about 3 nades whilst my friends did the same. We saw the guys and assaulted them. We finally killed them found the beds and I was shaking wildly. My friend said the same "Ugh I can't stand my shaking its like i cant kill guys without shaking" So i said it happens to me all the time.

I just want to ask if anyone else experiences this since it hasnt happened to me in forever. Is there anyway to prevent this?

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 26th, 2015, 12:09 pm
by Arashi_tlk
Awww man, those adrenaline shakes, I'm well acquainted with them. It doesn't happen as often these days. But when a large group of guys are walking around, sometimes it happens after killing them all. Hell sometimes, but rarely these days, if I'm alone I still jump slightly from being startled from a timber or grizzly shot that isn't even aimed at me. Once you get use to it all, the shaking and jumping comes a thing of the past. Just keep putting yourself into the situation, and you will come accustom to it. It's usually just your body reacting, the fight or flight response happens and that's just a lot of adrenaline being pushed into your system. If it happens again, you can just do what you did last time and leave the server, calm down, breath deeply for a bit, and you will naturally calm down again.

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 26th, 2015, 12:13 pm
by Grape
Ehh, ive had this alot like in march but it got away and today was just pure adrenaline i guess. Im just glad it didnt happen for so long. Just gonna get acquainted to it.

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 26th, 2015, 6:10 pm
by Faceless
Does anyone else start to shake shortly after killing somone?
Earlier in my Unturned career I would shake killing 1 guy or a lot of zombies.
I havent had shakes like that since but today i was on pandahut #8 and I was on the hill of taylor beach and looked in my inventory, had a maplestrike, 2 drums, honeybadger, green parka, cargo pants, alice and mili. vest. Knowing i had enough room for the feast that just dropped, i looked over guy was swimming and i pulled maple out. 2 shots, he swam underwater and i thought he was dead but i kept thinking that he could hop out and kill me. Heard steps and kept thinking (since it was dark, couldnt be seen) I had my maple on auto and ready.
Head popped up and saw him crawling. He didnt see me! I recognized it was the same guy and since muzzle hid flash and nightime best time to kill.
5 shots he was dead. Looted, sold gear, and saw base builders. Didn't bother, they were nude. Heard a car. Guy in full mili and nvgs. a guy hopped out of a birch base and assaulted. i took the distraction and blew up the truck. Base guy was using a Krykarek and saw him get ruthlessly murdered. I got 3 shots on the nvg dude. ran behind the base and i rushed him. I thought i lost him for a second.

This is were the shakes kicked in. I lost him i was sure. I ran over to the nudes building a base and asked where he went. One pulled a fast one, shot at me with colt and missed 4 times. I killed him and turned to kill friends so they couldnt tpa him back. I ran to my hill to hide when i heard a honeybadger by my feet. I shot at him and killed him looted, healed and ran to my hill. I was shaking so much i couldnt move my guy and ran to the water and looted as much and sold all the gear. I couldn't stand the shakes and had to leave the server. I hate combat loggers and seeing that he was dead it wasnt really a combat log. Im still shaking as typing this. I was playing with some friends on a different server (not pandhut) earlier this year and i was on teamspeak with them and one had the same thing. We were raiding a base at holman and we didnt realize that there was over 4 guys there all geared. We had bedrolls that we found and placed them around the edges of holman and ran in. We took a ll the loot and heard voices. I panicked and threw about 3 nades whilst my friends did the same. We saw the guys and assaulted them. We finally killed them found the beds and I was shaking wildly. My friend said the same "Ugh I can't stand my shaking its like i cant kill guys without shaking" So i said it happens to me all the time.

I just want to ask if anyone else experiences this since it hasnt happened to me in forever. Is there anyway to prevent this?
Im laughing so hard at this. Thats all i need.

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 26th, 2015, 9:47 pm
by Grape

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 27th, 2015, 2:24 am
by Faceless
Nothign, don't worry about it. Go seek therapy if you're really that concerned about it. lol

Re: "Killing shakes"

Unread postPosted:November 28th, 2015, 11:53 am
by Grape
i will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)