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By Sp4x
Hi everyone, me again
So in a week or so, it will be my 1 year anniversary as a Pandahut player.
Can't believe it's been a year
I'd like to thank...
-RagnarosPowers, for just being a chill ass guy, no matter what I did
-BurntToast, halogamer010101 (Black Jesus), GAMMA_GAMMA, MindlessWasp, Klein, and Apples, for always making me laugh and just putting up with me (Luv u plebs)
-All the RP 10 Staff, for helping me whenever I needed it
-KillShotDude, for always being there when I needed someone to talk to (Literally, always, he has no life, what a pleb :laugh:)
-FunkMasterFlex, Oasis, SCOTSCHIEF, and all of SMS for being my dad(s) HAIL!
-BannedHammer and Queen, for giving me a chance at mod on 13 when it first came out, which was my first moderating expirience (I failed miserably, sorry)
-Last but not least, Miku and Mushy, for creating these amazing servers
Sorry if I missed you, I'm in school currently
Thank you all