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pandahut official rules and terms of services

rule 1.9: Advertising of any kind on any of our servers and/or website is strictly prohibited may get you banned without a warning.

I was playing peacefully today on 13 RP made a little joke that included the name of a different "dead" unturned RP server and got kicked out of the server with the kick info saying kicked for reason: advertising as I was told using or saying other unturned server's name in 1 of your servers is against the rules and is considered advertising as I might see how this is advertising other servers, from 1 side it could actually be legit and true but from onther side it looks like a little overreacting rule u see I know you guys dont want any advertisment of any sort of anything on your servers to wither it was the discord or the ingame servers or your website but simply kicking warning or even baning people for such a small minor thing seems rather oud and wierd and a bit as I said agin overreacting becuse as it has happended in this case a kid said a sentce and I cracked a joke about onther untured server it might happen a bit more in the future far future was a kid says something and I crack a joke about other servers (the reason bihind the jokes is that your stricket rules actully make most of the jokes that come out aginst other servers but it might includ me refring to a spicif server in the untured comunity which is gona be the proplem becuse me geting a warning or kicked or something every and each time I might say a word folowd with rp like maybe that server doesnt even excist)

look the real reason behind this isn't to tell you how to run your servers or what rules to enforce but rather to tell you with all due respect to the ph community the players the staff team the owners (am sorry but whoever made this rule needs a chill gallon, not a bill but a gallon like a slurpy that u drink that makes u chill becuse thats a bit oud and wierd and kinda STUPID I cant hold it anymore the word stupid has to come out this rule is stupid ok ITS JUST A WORD spring rp rain rp pandahur rp fox rp remi rp god rp IDK WHAT ELSE (all fake names btw) but u get the point)

like kmonnnnnn mushy or whoever made this rule for god sake man/woman/human for god sake LOL
Is this a essay on your saltiness?
babydaddy1012 liked this
Now I don’t believe a kick was necessary as I would not deem that referencing another Unturned server would be a problem. You just need remember that pandahut is still a business that needs to generate income to keep the servers running and if potential customers are drawn away from people advertising other servers, that would meanless money for Pandahut.

You can generally use common sense but i’ve found that staff are very sensitive on this rule.
Now I don’t believe a kick was necessary as I would not deem that referencing another Unturned server would be a problem. You just need to remember that pandahut is still a business that needs to generate income to keep the servers running and if potential customers are drawn away from people advertising other servers, that would mean less money for Pandahut.

You can generally use common sense but found that staff is very sensitive to this rule.
whilst u are true and I said that it is a needed thing and I talked about how they don't want to advertise of any sort , a name might not be the reason that ph would lose a valuable source of income (the players who tend to buy stuff like the donator ranks and such items) that's why am talking about it I don't want to ramble about how I got kicked out of the server for the reason of using 2 words (a name) but thats kinda the main thing about it here the rule is true 100% good but this side fo the rule is not a side that people like becuse sometimes your normaly talking to a person u mention a name and u get kicked wanred or beand and we dont want that at all.
thanx (Miku or mushy if u guys see this consider putting this side of the rule of the table)
My god, for god’s sake, your english...
вы говорите очень плохо
babydaddy1012 liked this
My god, for god’s sake, your english...
вы говорите очень плохо
awsdgj'sdfhjlghjo'fgdgsgj kop kop jk jl ; gko pbn kopkl;
TrippL liked this
My god, for god’s sake, your english...
вы говорите очень плохо
wow оранжевый может использовать перевод Google! золотой звездный товарищ
TrippL liked this
Just follow the rules, do not mention any other servers. Thank you.