Get Help from RP Staff here!
By MelonMaster3
So I was banned from Pandahut 13 for accidental Kos for 6 hours on June 5th at 12:00 pm, and even though it is now the 6th of June, I am still banned for some reason. so I would be very happy if an admin could remove my ban so i can get back on the server. my in-game name is yellinmelon.
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By Aren
PLease provide your 64 ID
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By RagnarosPower
PLease provide your 64 ID
my ID is 76561198278544248
Hello there,

My apologies for the inconvenience, you have been accidentally permanently banned by one of our staff members, although your ban has been fixed and you can log on our RP servers without any issues, my apologies yet again, have yourself a good day!