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By skate
Am i allowed to have a sentry in my shop that is not facing a direct exit but keep the doors open for the shop . apparently the rule "The friendly sentry gun and traps can ONLY be placed within a completely closed off base " means i cannot have a sentry in my base that can kill people if the doors are open i cant have my doors open with active sentrys inside but i thought i was allowed to have the sentrys aslong as they are not facing a direct exit and cant shoot people that are outside?
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By Astro
1. The friendly sentry gun and traps can ONLY be placed within a completely closed off base (inside the building), NOT facing a direct exit (open or closed). A direct exit would be if the exit (a door for example) instantly meets the outside of the base. This means you cannot place the friendly sentry gun or any traps anywhere else than your enclosed base. Your base MUST be non-accessible to other players except for your group members. You are allowed to have sentries in a shop if it cannot shoot anyone outside of the base (direct exit) and you do not bait people to die by the sentries.