Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By Scroffel5
I don't know if this is already in the game, but I suggest that admins have weekly, bi-weeky, or monthly scheduled meetings where they discuss what is good about the server, what is bad about the server, and what needs to change or be improved. They would also discuss quality of life improvements, complaints of players and staff, and would take a brief few minutes to read over suggestions that are good or bad ideas and discuss them. During these meetings, they would vote on a variety of different subjects, release surveys about Pandahut RP and PvP servers, and assign tasks to each Staff member of those meetings.

It is very crucial to the health of a server for these meetings to happen, as it benefits the game and group.
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By Pengu!
Everything you have said or mentioned already takes place privately by staff. Thank you for your suggestion! Merry Xmas!