Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
By Outspace

then that needs to be changed
It won't be :)
why? How would it do harm?

Simply put, it can be used as a cheap excuse as to justify an actual KOS. If you shoot someone, then say "oh he gave consent" while the KOSee is not on the server (which happens frequently already), there is no way to prove that it was consensual or not.

In addition, new players may see this as justification to KOS other people. They can argue "oh, we saw this guy KOS, so we thought we could do it as well". (We already have a problem with people killing KOSers when they are not damaged by the KOSer, so we don't need this as an additional issue)

So yeah, that's my take on why we don't do "consent".
KOS means "Kill on Sight." What it entails is that you kill someone just because you see them or the loot they have on their back. It may also entail that you kill them because you view them as a threat. The rules about KoS are stupid, that you can only damage someone who damages you. They act like KoS means to kill someone, which isn't true. KoS has conditions.

Heres an example: Say there is a Mass KoSer on (someone who is killing tons of players for an unjustifiable reason) and he is coming for you next. He has a shotgun and he is 1 hit killing everyone. Can you kill him according to these roleplay rules? Not until he damages you. He damages you, but it was a 1 hit kill. You are dead. He takes all your loot, knowing he is about to get banned. He salvages it. Trial Mod gets on and he gets banned. Now you lost all your loot, you may have disconnected and had to rejoin, and you lost your EXP, which is hard to get back on Pandahut. I am not sure if Trial Mods can /restore you or not, but say he can't. You lost everything you had on your person. All a Trial Mod can do is give you money to buy it back, and then he goes on his merry way. Yet, you could have stopped it all if you killed him. Say you do kill him. You get banned for supposed "KoS." At first sight, it is KoS. You killed him when you saw him. However, based on prior knowledge, you knew he was killing everyone else. You took it into your hands to end him. Your justifiable reason is that he was KoSing people, and he was going to kill you. Preemptive self defense or defense of others. That is your reason, and that is not KoS.

What is the problem with the rules? That, as mentioned above, you are banned for KILLING, and not necessarily KoS. What's the problem with my logic? It can be exploited. However the admins and mods have access to logs, and they can see what was going down before, after, and during the KoS. What I suggest is that it is dealt with in an unbiased way, court style. The two accused parties step forward, and each give their side of the story, supported by witnesses. The judge (admin/mod/trialmod) asks questions to determine what went down, while reviewing what happened in the logs and taking it into account. Then the guilty party is determined and judged accordingly. Now not all court cases end fairly. Sometimes the wrong person gets away. If that happens, the case is back on and reevaluated if complaints are made.

So in answer, RP isn't boring. Pandahut RP is boring. Too many people rely on the commands to /role, /rob, /kidnap, and /arrest to get anything RP-related done. Too many people rely on the admins to get what is need done. There are dominate groups on causing too much chaos, and they rule too much. They get away with doing things that are morally wrong and justify it by what they interpret the rules say. They get away with it because of Unturned physics and logic. For instance with kidnaps, they can get away with getting 2k each kidnap if the cops don't have raiding gear. If they don't have it, cops have to buy it, and thats a waste of money if they die. They get away with having metal doors so that no one can get in, and its fair based on rules. Pandahut has too many rules, and not enough principles. Rules are easily exploited. Principles, while not as exact as rules, take a bit more thought as to how you enforce them, and require you to reason on it. There is too much focus in Pandahut RP on robbing, arresting, and kidnapping. There is too much focus on guns. 4.0 will make survival a bigger aspect of the game, and will help out RP. I see too many gamers focused on gun shops. We need more food shops in Pandahut, because people drop dead like flies because of hunger or thirst. All of those places are closed up and turned into gun shops or places to live or kidnap. Pathetic.

We need more people focused on building houses that are practical, houses to live in and have fun in. We need more people partying with friends, and making new friends. We need more people to act like people. Games can be just like real life if you make them. It's the life you could rather have. We need more people to play their roles.
Just so you know trial mods can restore loot and there are libraries at the seattle and alberton tps that most trial mods are donators and get XP kits and gladly give out 1k xp which is about what you can lose as the max.
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By Mr AJ
First of all, The economy of both the RP Servers are down.
before, there used to be a lot of shops on the main RP Town and it was organized, Now its completely different
Shops get raided more often on 10 by random bandits and on 13 people create massive shops which cause lag to the main town
PH 13 is also being spammed by cops by buying police cars and parking em on streets instead of parking em on the Garage
Due to lag and other reasons, people don't play much on RP servers, idk y but I feel like RP servers are now becoming more of a modified PVP server this is becoz , People now focus more of the combat part and they don't appreciate much on the economic level of the RP servers