Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Matty
True but the actions are already in the game, such as salaries and a secondary bank account, I’m no expert I’m not saying I am because I never coded games or mods but I’m sure it could be possible, you seem pretty good at that.

Also, I don’t see how “groups salvaging” has to do with this, it does not affect the balance and maybe there could be a way to limit who could access the account within the group.

It will take a lot of issues out of people’s nacks such as going online to pay their officers — maybe even be implemented into the staff team so staff get monthly salaries automatically.

P.S : I’m sorry if it seemed like I knew it all know that I’m re reading it, I didn’t have much time to be on the website so I just rushed the post.
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By Mushy
Cookie and Miku make great points. Although definitely a good idea, this not nearly as simple as you initially made it out to be. TomatoChunks makes a great extrapolation of this idea, and shows just how ridiculous it can get once you really start delving into it. Right now is not the time for us to shift our focus to this specific feature, spending countless hours to implement something that offers little long-term gain. One could argue that this encourages inactivity by automating tasks that you would otherwise have to go in game for. As for staff monthly salaries, we already have a way to automate them but we do them manually out of diligence. We wouldn't want semi-active players mooching off some automatic payment system, and neither would you and your group, surely. Miku brought up the idea of taxes a long time ago, but we went with tickets instead. Although taxes can be certainly be added, it would seem rather artificial and could skew the economy, which we want to avoid doing. This is the kind of thing that should have been done before we set buy and sell prices to every item in the shop.

Don't get me wrong, this idea is good and it can be expanded on a lot - and that's where it gets tricky. This idea, along with tax management, etc, are all changes to the way RP works on a fundamental level. This is something that I can see as really taking off in Unturned II, where we'd use a graphical user interface for most things as opposed to commands. And let's face it, we already have a lot of commands which can be intimidating and overwhelming to new players. Managing groups' automatic payments via command line and Unturned's limited 50-character chat is restrictive to the point where it would underwhelm the utility of the entire feature we worked so hard to build. Taxes, group economies, etc would be a lot more interesting if you had a visual representation of what you're dealing with, as opposed to 4 lines of text. Think of a nice user-friendly screen where the Mayor can set taxes on each item category using a little slider or dial etc. Or managing in-game group members and payments using a drag & drop interface. Suddenly the idea seems a lot more appealing.

TLDR; I think it's a great idea that makes a lot more sense to delve into once Unturned II is around, as we'd have the opportunity to rethink and rework RP at a core level.
Matty, TomatoChunks liked this
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By candyvan
Just wanted to put this idea out there if it has not been said already. I believe it would be very useful if the code for the city economy managed by the mayor could be implemented into steam groups so people could take /add money to the group economy, maybe even add some restrictions so the owner has the ability to manage these limits.
I didn't read everything but ill +1 based on everyone's points