Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Pablo Escobar.
Sure we can up the price and further limit how many plots you have :)

Instead of 8 let’s do 5?

We didn’t just limit it because of lag, there is plenty of people who have tons and tons and tons of money and can buy whatever they want when they want without any reporcussion.

Nerfs are there to even things out, buffing and nerfing the same role over and over is meaningless, sometimes you gotta take a nerf and find another way to make money
would you do that?
No as that would remove the point of the nerf
you said here, but this wouldn't remove the point this would balance it all out just right, minimize lag and up berrie prices a little for it.
and i know it has been nerfed and this would only be a change this wouldn't buff it or nerfe it this would be a needet change that would minimize the lag a ton and still make druglord playable i think it's a great, also seemed like you did when you mentioned the picture up above. i don't know if you were joking but if you aren't this would be a great change to not only druglord but the server in general. remember the berrie prices would also be upped (price for buying a berrie) and then it only makes sense to also up sell price as i'm looking to do or i can't but getting an admin to do. so i thought a little while making this since i stopped typing for a little and i thought this is what my mind has come to

1.up berrie prices 65 to 80 each berrie
2.make plot limit 5 instead of 8
3.nerf the druglord kit as in remove the amount of berries you get (i'm not sure how many berries you get since i rarely use the kit but i'm guessing around 12 so maybe make that 9)
4.make refined sell for 48 and bought for 100 since you can't turn a refined back into 2 berries so this can't be abused.
5. make berries sell for 24 instead of 18
that is what my mind has come to at the moment.
this would decrease lag and make druglord "playable" it sounds wrong when i call it "non-playbale" note that isn't what i mean. i mean that make druglord great again!
this would decrease lag as said and make druglord great again! please give me feedback everyone, and aren i hope you'll think about this change.
Thank you
- Don Pablo
Last edited by Pablo Escobar. on March 28th, 2019, 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Quavo
$100 a berrie thats insanity
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By Pablo Escobar.
$100 a berrie thats insanity
then make it 80 or something... it's a suggestion.
but now that i look at it it seems too much. i will change it right now
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By Aren
you said here, but this wouldn't remove the point this would balance it all out just right, minimize lag and up berrie prices a little for it.
and i know it has been nerfed and this would only be a change this wouldn't buff it or nerfe it this would be a needet change that would minimize the lag a ton and still make druglord playable i think it's a great, also seemed like you did when you mentioned the picture up above. i don't know if you were joking but if you aren't this would be a great change to not only druglord but the server in general. remember the berrie prices would also be upped (price for buying a berrie) and then it only makes sense to also up sell price as i'm looking to do or i can't but getting an admin to do. so i thought a little while making this since i stopped typing for a little and i thought this is what my mind has come to

1.up berrie prices 65 to 80 each berrie
2.make plot limit 5 instead of 8
3.nerf the druglord kit as in remove the amount of berries you get (i'm not sure how many berries you get since i rarely use the kit but i'm guessing around 12 so maybe make that 9)
4.make refined sell for 48 and bought for 100 since you can't turn a refined back into 2 berries so this can't be abused.
5. make berries sell for 24 instead of 18
that is what my mind has come to at the moment.
this would decrease lag and make druglord "playable" it sounds wrong when i call it "non-playbale" note that isn't what i mean. i mean that make druglord great again!
this would decrease lag as said and make druglord great again! please give me feedback everyone, and aren i hope you'll think about this change.
Thank you
- Don Pablo
I guess sarcasm is not in your strong suit

We are NOT doing any further changes to this role.

It has been nerfed and that is the end of it
