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Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 22nd, 2020, 5:34 pm
by Miku
Like Outspace said, legal issues.

Literally the only -1 to this is that.
There are zero legal issues with this, the command restriction was not applied only to donators/buying ammo, it simply says you can buy/sell ammo, not where or when. The same thing about vaults, it simply says you have the vaults, but in reality, they are restricted to a zone. Not to mention, the only "legal body" that really has any impact on us is Paypal, and they are not very smart, to begin with.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 22nd, 2020, 9:33 pm
by Liona

This is bad for roleplay due to the fact that in retrospect, police are way more overpowered then any criminal role in regards to there being 0 cooldown for arrests, tickets, their ability to /rescue during kidnaps and their ability to come back to raids to counter infinite times, the counter for that is "they simulate police backup" fine. However, many players have donated for the only purposes of getting these special perks such as the ability to buy attachments/ammo as any role or the reserved slot etc etc.

People say "oh raiding is too easy" which yes is true but thats not because of any fucking ammo related issues it's purely due to the fact 90% of raids happen at the dead hours of the server when there is no one online to counter these raids. If you wanted raiding to be harder then just ask Miku to jerk off base health when owner is offline so it is too expensive to be viable to raid offline.

Additionally, there are many players who don't have groups who now are unable to solo raid as they are physically unable to buy themselves more ammo during raids as well as the fact YOU CANNOT ALWAYS GUESS HOW MUCH AMMO YOU WILL NEED SO YOU CANNOT "be more well prepared" for all the BS RP players implement into their bases.

It's been a part of RP from a donators perspective since 2016 and yes the arguments are "oh donators are too overpowered" well I'm sorry, maybe if it affects you that much or is really THAT overpowered, DONATE YOURSELF

I've had many views over the years and now I just feel as though Pandahut is basically in a sense "scamming" us of the experience we loved which lead us to donate in the first place. Donators are not more overpowered than normal players as seen by the countless unranked players who have achieved the same amount as donators if not more in their time on RP over the years.

yeah just a rant of how it's stupid from a non-raiders POV and take into account Phantasy posts this a few days after he got raided by Donators.

yours poorly
-snoob boog

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 9:37 am
by wonslowcar
imo (ik im late) a raid shouldnt be able to just continue due to poor planning and decision making, but therefor i think that maybe it should take less to raid, dk if this is hard to do or whatever.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 9:49 am
by Phantasy
People can still over estimate what they need by bringing a car with lockers on it full of ammo. Obviously this is risky. People have been saying raids wont be possible, thinking that your inventory is the only space you have, while cars can play a factor for portable storage too.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 11:37 am
by Dex the Legend
No like the actual heck?? Bruh that would make shit so complicated especially for solo raiders. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. Too many NON DONATORS REFUSE to buy ranks and CHOOSE to complain about an advantage WE PAID for.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 11:45 am
by Phantasy
No like the actual heck?? Bruh that would make shit so complicated especially for solo raiders. There was absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. Too many NON DONATORS REFUSE to buy ranks and CHOOSE to complain about an advantage WE PAID for.
If you are saying raiding isn't possible as a non donator then that is exactly the point of this topic. It shouldnt be pay to play.

It is still possible but you aren't willing to change your play style to accommodate. Solo raiding is still very possible which was one of your big complaints.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 1:12 pm
by Burnt
People can still over estimate what they need by bringing a car with lockers on it full of ammo. Obviously this is risky. People have been saying raids wont be possible, thinking that your inventory is the only space you have, while cars can play a factor for portable storage too.
So you want to add more risk, and make it harder to raid, as well as removing the perk. Our structures are stronger than normal, it takes a little less than 1 box to break a locker, now think of some bases, such as those with 50+ plaques or rifle racks. And those that are 3x3x4 with over 30 lockers. That’s 30 boxes you need JUST for storage containers, raids already take some time, with this change NO ONE will be able to ever predict how much ammo they really need, it does in fact ruin raids pretty bad, would make solo raiding 100x harder.
Your vehicle suggestion works, but’s it’s not all that you think. You’d now add the fact that you have to expose yourself to police, who can already come back an infinite amount of times, buy ammo during the counter raid, and cause the raiders to need to know how many times and increase their pvp gun ammo as well, because you will not be able to bring your vehicle inside. It’s also still easy to loophole and bring a friend who can just supply the ammo which brings up all former points.

It’s not something I see as good, or something that should’ve been added. There’s 2 suggestions I’ve agreed with and showed instead, allow all players to buy ammo, or a new one and that would be to tax players who purchase ammo during events, a price increase of 50-75% during events. This would cause punishments to not attempting to plan a raid, but wouldn’t allow the problem everyone dislikes, raids being “ruined”

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 6:15 pm
by GrandpaHoovie
Gud idea, make explosives relevant
(Semi joke)

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:January 23rd, 2020, 10:53 pm
by MrDeeTee
Burnt / Noob have already said exactly what I think. It doesn't make raiding hard in a meaningful way. Buying ammo before a raid is not rp. Bringing a car to a raid is not rp. Not having enough ammo and then having to end a raid is just annoying and pointless.

Re: Donators Ammo Purchasing

Unread postPosted:February 28th, 2020, 9:01 am
by Outspace
People can still over estimate what they need by bringing a car with lockers on it full of ammo. Obviously this is risky. People have been saying raids wont be possible, thinking that your inventory is the only space you have, while cars can play a factor for portable storage too.
So you want to add more risk, and make it harder to raid, as well as removing the perk. Our structures are stronger than normal, it takes a little less than 1 box to break a locker, now think of some bases, such as those with 50+ plaques or rifle racks. And those that are 3x3x4 with over 30 lockers. That’s 30 boxes you need JUST for storage containers, raids already take some time, with this change NO ONE will be able to ever predict how much ammo they really need, it does in fact ruin raids pretty bad, would make solo raiding 100x harder.
Your vehicle suggestion works, but’s it’s not all that you think. You’d now add the fact that you have to expose yourself to police, who can already come back an infinite amount of times, buy ammo during the counter raid, and cause the raiders to need to know how many times and increase their pvp gun ammo as well, because you will not be able to bring your vehicle inside. It’s also still easy to loophole and bring a friend who can just supply the ammo which brings up all former points.

It’s not something I see as good, or something that should’ve been added. There’s 2 suggestions I’ve agreed with and showed instead, allow all players to buy ammo, or a new one and that would be to tax players who purchase ammo during events, a price increase of 50-75% during events. This would cause punishments to not attempting to plan a raid, but wouldn’t allow the problem everyone dislikes, raids being “ruined”
To add to this, vehicles are often shot in the crossfire of raids. While this is a staff issue, say that a player gets inside their truck that they stored an extra 4 boxes in or they are behind it grabbing from lockers and a cop just sprays at them and destroys the vehicle, bam ammo gone, cover gone, you die probably, its completely impossible to handle the cops coming back infinite times without proper cover.