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tips on rp servers

Unread postPosted:March 19th, 2017, 9:39 pm
by HitmanS510
one key thing in rp servers that you shouldn't do on panda hut is rage. rage can cause you to get a ban could make you to revenge kos and could still get you a ban. ways to get rage is losing your items unwillingly to another person like a cop or a bandit. ways to make sure you wont get arrested or robbed is never (for getting robbed) walk alone near a bandit. and for getting arrested always have your things license never carry illegal items if you still want to do illegal stuff do it at you base.

never build you base in a city or town always hide them in the woods or forest reason for that is bandits will see how fancy base you have and they will realize what loot you might have in it causing them to raid most likely plus if you do anything illegal the cops might hear or see you doing it

run into a kidnappers base because really its a kidnappers base

if you are getting arrested or robbed do what they say only fight back if you have a weapon in your hands already or if your in a group of people

I will make more tips just not right now