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By yung one
Currently, ONLY police captains can start raids, and I think this restricts swat's responsibilities. In real life SWAT don't operate under police, they are a separate group called in for emergency situations. They are led by a commander, however I think this would be complicated to implement more higher up roles. So, a possible solution could be for mayors to be able to issue warrants/raids for SWAT. I think this would allow more illegal operations to be handled, if the mayor was able to call them in as an actual special force. Any other suggestions are welcome, I just feel SWAT needs a way to have more of a role in raids, as well as possibly Mayor.
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By RageQuit
I don't know but we are getting more active captains with wild card then cleanse and me applying in a week or 2
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By Helena
Currently, ONLY police captains can start raids, and I think this restricts swat's responsibilities. In real life SWAT don't operate under police, they are a separate group called in for emergency situations. They are led by a commander
>SWAT don't operate under police
they do it under mayor orders or a high rank militar. i think "chief, deputy and cap" should be replaced with sergeant, commander and captain
Ginger liked this