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Should White Listing & Role Enforcement be a thing or no?

Hardcore RP! Do it!
None of this please.
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By SournoisRenard
Hey all! Your friendly neighborhood kidnapper on #10 and #13!
Now, there has been talk of a possible white listing but I was wondering if it'd be a good idea for Staff Members SuperMods and Admins could remove roles from players.

Ever since the new update with #13, there has been many complaints of players not playing their roles on RP. Such as builders, weapon smiths, mechanics and armour smiths. Again, with the edition of mods, Mechanics/Builders/Decorator/Armour Smiths. These roles are in high demand and players playing these roles refuse service to almost anyone!

I would suggest the white list feature first. Have #13 white listed, players must apply to join then apply for a role especially Law And/Or Criminal roles.
Afterwards, SuperMods and Admins can enforce the RP to reduce the spam in chat of "Needing Weaponsmith!" every 3 seconds. It'd help us Staff looking for stuff in logs for players and kos's a little bit better. If a player refuses to respond to players, we can go ahead and give them warnings to roleplay their role or to be switched out or kicked from the server.

Roleplay needs to be more enforced, White Listing should be a thing and players need to start playing their part as police and other roles.

Leave any suggestions or comments down below. Especially of what you think. :)
Remember to vote on it too for more accurate readings.
Last edited by SournoisRenard on May 19th, 2017, 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Spelling Correction(s)
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By Cokolino
People that join RP select role bandit and start killing people left and right...So maybe Hardcore RP is good...But theres a problem, PH wont have players becouse they will leave since they cant be cops or bandits...I say we wait for more players to come, wait for school to end and then maybe get this in. Also a lot of players simply dont want to register on the forums/ its to hard for them (for different reasons). Also most of the players are kids, they dont really know how to HARDCORE RP, so they'll be kicked/ warned. PH will then have like 12 people sice everyone will get kicked
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By masonmullins63
Coko they fixed that by they have to have 30 mins on the server to even become bandit who would wait 30 mins just to Los and get banned
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By ACerealBowl
I think some roles should be white listed but the server should never be white listed.
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By Cleanse
+1 whitelist law enforcement
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By Dutchy
A White-listed RP Server is in my opinion a great idea.
This server could function as the perfect place for people very serious about RP (Backstory, in-game name, keeping in character) to fully enjoy RP without the KOS calling etc.
Server could also function as a way of the RP Adminstration team to test new plugins, kits etc.

However, white-listing any role is impossible.
We have a lot of people join our RP servers per day and we can not expect every single one of them to make an account, fill in an application format, and then wait for it to be accepted/denied.
Then we also need those 10-20 people who apply per day to be given the role on the server, meaning we RP Admins would be even more busy then we already are.

Overall White-Listing roles is impossible.
tMoist, FabAlien liked this
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By i4sheep
Why the idea works

The functioning on this idea will absolutely work, It makes sense and it would limit the large portions of KOS, it will also make bigger in-game roles have better experiences rather than having a new Police officer shooting down everyone, it will work and should enforce it and we'll probably gain more players if it works out great.

Problems with it

The only problems with it will be we might lose people or such, We might keep the same people, but it might cause people to leave or even just get bored, but i believe it would still work well, And i don't believe it would be a problem, being that new people must enforce the rules or they'll most likely break the following rules.

My opinion

I believe the idea will function greatly, it will stop KOS, and it will keep all the roles perfectly safe, New people often choose the big roles like "Police officer" or "Bandit" and they'll not understand what they do and they'll break rules. But i believe it will work if we enforce a white list and white list for bigger roles.
By Sudath
A whitelist RP server would be great! We could even take away some commands because hopefully most players would be trust worthy
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By ACerealBowl
A whitelist RP server would be great! We could even take away some commands because hopefully most players would be trust worthy
Lol why would we take away the commands that's what makes the server a good server. Without the commands the server will just be bad even if it's whitelisted. And if Ph was whitelisted I think it would die; but I support whitelisting Police.