Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Cookie
Allow it there is no logical reason to not i see the whole argument "it makes rp more realistic" but lets be fucking real when was rp realistic its not realistic and cant be
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By Apples
Why allow 3rd person in cars? not RP
First person only ruins the experience overall of our Rp servers and third person must be added back.
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By Ace Clip
I really like only first person. 3rd is for nubs for pvp, we doing real rp here.
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By Warrior-ish150
-1 Third person gives unfair advantage in a fight. In vehicles on the other hand, it makes it easier to not run somebody over in a crowded area.
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By Pengu!
-1 Third person allows you to see around corners without exposing yourself and gives a huge unfair advantage. Doesnt resemble real life. Basically like wall hacking in a sense. First person requires more skill / FPS skill.
-1 Third person allows you to see around corners without exposing yourself and gives a huge unfair advantage. Doesnt resemble real life. Basically like wall hacking in a sense. First person requires more skill / FPS skill.
As far as I know, Pandahut RP is not Life RP. I +1 it for obvious reasons :P