Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
I think that the police rank votes are unfair both for those who deserve to get promoted and those who don’t. Generally when people vote no or -1, they don’t give a reason or give a sarcastic and stupid one. I am fortunate to have colleges in the FBI who will help with most of the votes I need, but other officers who really deserve promotions go unnoticed. I propose that police rank promotions should be voted on by higher police rank only and staff as well as the mayor; they know what makes a good officer and will hopefully give a fair and unbiased view to all votes.

However, I do not think this is the best solution as it excludes the civilians who should have a say in who polices them; and therefore I ask for your suggestions to make police rank votes more fair.
Not really, you just need to advertise. Sure, popularity has to do with it but let's say you make an app but you're inactive, people aren't going to vote for you. Limiting these votes to a group of individuals who isn't properly defined (there's countless police apps in accepted whilst the actual owner hasn't logged on in over ~2 months) makes it hard.
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