Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Matty
Just wanted to put this idea out there if it has not been said already. I believe it would be very useful if the code for the city economy managed by the mayor could be implemented into steam groups so people could take /add money to the group economy, maybe even add some restrictions so the owner has the ability to manage these limits.
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By NeedlessMemeing
Interesting idea actually. All groups are tied to an ID, and the server knows what group you're in. I think it can also determine who is an admin/moderator as well. I think a system where group admins and the owner can withdraw. Of course, you'd need to make sure no one withdraws, but that's why you keep people you trust in a group. Maybe where normal group members can withdraw a limit set by the group owner/admin per 12 hours, and moderators get double that limit per 12 hours.

TomatoChunks, Matty liked this
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By TomatoChunks

There could also be automatic payments at given intervals so groups can pay their members salaries that get immediately deposited into their account. There could also be logs that group admins can check to see how much each person has withdrawn. People could also make balance that is separate from theirs so that people can put money into it to fund things like buildings or something and there would be a cap for it depending how much money is needed.

Side note: There could be like a 10% tax on every item you sell to the shop that would be put in the town balance or whatever it's called for the mayor to spend on stuff.
NeedlessMemeing, Matty liked this
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By NeedlessMemeing

There could also be automatic payments at given intervals so groups can pay their members salaries that get immediately deposited into their account. There could also be logs that group admins can check to see how much each person has withdrawn. People could also make balance that is separate from theirs so that people can put money into it to fund things like buildings or something and there would be a cap for it depending how much money is needed.

Side note: There could be like a 10% tax on every item you sell to the shop that would be put in the town balance or whatever it's called for the mayor to spend on stuff.
Let's break it down. So while salaries could be good, there should be an option to disable it. For groups like mine it'd present problems (I made a complex system to determine how many arrests they logged and made a quota and all other stuff). What could be nice is a way to put in their steamid64 and pay them that way. Now for the logs, I don't see a way of this working. Logs would require a lot more hardware from what I believe, and could be annoying to deal with. What could work is if there was an SQL database that logged all transactions and gave it a group ID. The leader or admins could do a command which would pull the 10 most recent entries that also have their group id.

Now the next thing is you talking about sub accounts, which would be pretty hard to make from what I believe. It should be the group leader/admins who can determine how much is needed and penalise those who take it out. It creates a need for trust and loyalty to a leader.

And for your last idea, the idea of taxes has been played around with (I'm gonna make a topic again for it, most of the people who didn't like it have left so I don't feel it'll be shot down immediately) and I think that adding a certain percentage that also gets paid to the group leader could be nice. This could also stack with the city taxes which I'll talk about in my post.
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By The Duke II
very good idea.
should be considered by admins.
Matty liked this
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By Cookie
Sounds hard to implement but meh i dont see the point if i have to tbh
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By Matty
Sounds hard to implement but meh i dont see the point if i have to tbh
U don’t see the point in using an already existing code and adding a feature to have automatic salaries? Ayt
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By Cookie
Sounds hard to implement but meh i dont see the point if i have to tbh
U don’t see the point in using an already existing code and adding a feature to have automatic salaries? Ayt

no not really and im pretty sure they cant just reuse the code :/
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By Matty
Sounds hard to implement but meh i dont see the point if i have to tbh
U don’t see the point in using an already existing code and adding a feature to have automatic salaries? Ayt

no not really and im pretty sure they cant just reuse the code :/
It’s called copy paste, and editing such as adding features to be implemented in steam groups, and bringing over the salary code that already exists in many roles, quite simple really.
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By Miku
It’s called copy paste, and editing such as adding features to be implemented in steam groups, and bringing over the salary code that already exists in many roles, quite simple really.
That is a horrendous oversimplification of combining two systems which are part of different plugins and never intended to be combined. And then on top of that combining that with steam groups, which people have already caused a lot of drama over people rebelling and salvaging their own group's items. I'm not saying this idea wouldn't work or is something we wouldn't do, but it has some flaws which needs to be addressed and is certainly not as simple as you make it out to be.
salary code that already exists in many roles, quite simple really.
Code also does not exist in roles themselves, that's not how it works.
Matty, TomatoChunks liked this