Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Soap
Hi, its soap.

Me and more people from pandahut been talking over this topic alot since they removed it but for lets continue with this argumentation.

So lets start this, 1 thing that 3third person removes is the realistic visual on a rp server, but i think there is more positive with bringing it back, it would defently make the servers more active then they been since people will be able to choose between 2 visuals and not only having 1, i just think there is less rp situations now then before because people get on to talk to their friend and then they get off, it just dosent feel like the old days anymore when legit i and my friends could be on for hours and hours and not get bored of it, so me and my friends on pandahut think you guys should give it a chance atleast with a poll or something were it says bringing it back or not and see Which one would win because i truly think that 3thirdperson would win because it would make the rp servers more fun to play on, "attracting more people" atleast give it chance pls pandahut.

it's been me and i'm out. :heartfulpanda:
Last edited by Soap on March 7th, 2019, 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Aren
can you further explain what you wish to have added?
can you further explain what you wish to have added?
My thoughts exactly. I believe he wants third person to "Make pandahut like the old days..." I don't believe that third person represented all that was good about Pandahut RP back then.
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By Helena
putting it in oversimpliefied words
unturned dying
people stop playign games

you honestly just need to get along witth the people who are currently around

also how is 3rd person realistic, my eyes are not hovering behind me...
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By Soap
I never said 3rd person would be realistic, we never got a chance to vote it either they just changed it without asking the whole community and thats kinda weird in my eyes, they should see what people like. atleast give it a chance, some of us think we should be able to choose between 2 choices, its like enforcing something into ur brain this is how it gonna be now without having people vote about something but i guess thats what we do in this community :staringpanda:
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By Helena
I never said 3rd person would be realistic, we never got a chance to vote it either they just changed it without asking the whole community and thats kinda weird in my eyes, they should see what people like. atleast give it a chance, some of us think we should be able to choose between 2 choices, its like enforcing something into ur brain this is how it gonna be now without having people vote about something but i guess thats what we do in this community :staringpanda:
we had a thread were the community talked about it
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By Burnt
I never said 3rd person would be realistic, we never got a chance to vote it either they just changed it without asking the whole community and thats kinda weird in my eyes, they should see what people like. atleast give it a chance, some of us think we should be able to choose between 2 choices, its like enforcing something into ur brain this is how it gonna be now without having people vote about something but i guess thats what we do in this community :staringpanda:
we had a thread were the community talked about it
That was AFTER it was announced that it’s be First Person only, and as you saw the feedback was mixed.

I do believe it stopped a lot of people from wanting to risk themselves, and thus less RP situations occurred. Criminals stopped trying Bc the risk increased, and if criminals aren’t doing anything, the police cannot do much either. It’s a two way system that simply calmed down after the update.

In your added post Agent even stated it was used to search and find bases, which overall ended in accurate raids, but didn’t have players wasting money and actually WANTED to take the risk of death for the amount of loot they knew they could possibly get.

Soap has a point, back then raids, hits, robberies, kidnaps, and arrests were being done way more when third person was around, and the change was much like the HardcoreRP one, the community didn’t all agree with it, yet it was switched Bc the admins at the time thought it’d better the experience.

I have to say I believe in bringing it back, and seeing how it changes the RP experience, and if it can bring RP back to an active RP, instead of what it currently is, a place where people mostly socialize and chat while doing small things on the side.
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By Aren
highly unlikely we will implement this.
