Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
a druglord should definitely be able to buy planters and plots, it doesn't make sense that a role that lives of planting can't buy what they need. the most annoying thing is you need to find a farmer, and not everyone plays farmer.

give me feedback on this idea

- Pablo
i think it is more appropiate that druglords have to seek for farmers for this, druglord would be kind of economy-OP if they were able to buy plots

but i mean on the other hand you dont really need plots or planters to have a berry plantation at all, anyone can build a base on a flat area and remove the floors
no oen plants on the grass... :_: and druglord has been nerfed so much that some changes is deserved, such as upping berrie prices as an example.
no oen plants on the grass... :_:
irrelevant, is not like they are not allowed to.
and druglord has been nerfed so much that some changes is deserved, such as upping berrie prices as an example.
the only i would agree with would be berries, but if berries get their price buffed, druglord should stay that nerfed with more reason.
I've talked to aren and miku about this before. Each role is built in a way that it's not overpowered and needs another role to complete it. For example, if we were to, say, lower the timer on /kit food, it would make chef existentially useless. If druglords were aloud to buy plots and planters, it would make farmer useless since barely anyone buys crops.
Another example is weaponsmith and armorsmith. Having one role that can let you buy all clothing and weapons would be pretty op.