Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By WyattL
Dear Pandahut Community,

Kits. A source of free items with the only limitation being time.
Ever wanted to give your friend a kit? Me too.
Pretty self explanatory.
/kit <kit> [player]
/kit 10kxp Wyatt

Wyatt L
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By NeedlessMemeing
-1 just drop the items, and with xp you can use bookcases.
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By WyattL
But is it not more convenient you to just add the player to the end of the command?
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By NeedlessMemeing
But is it not more convenient you to just add the player to the end of the command?
I'm fairly certain PH's kit plugin is based on an already made one. Giving players kits is unnecessary and could easily be used to sabotage people (spamming them with kits to distract them during events) and is unnecessary to do.
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By Sp4x
But is it not more convenient you to just add the player to the end of the command?
I'm fairly certain PH's kit plugin is based on an already made one. Giving players kits is unnecessary and could easily be used to sabotage people (spamming them with kits to distract them during events) and is unnecessary to do.
Everything needless has said ;P
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By WyattL
Valid point