Post Your Ideas or Suggestions for our RP Servers Here!
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By Matty
Hello fellow pandas,

I have a suggestion that I think is pretty cool. It will add to the /record command or whatever it’s called.
Currently, when you pull up someone’s criminal record there’s almost nothing there’s because you need to be charged (which almost never happens).

I would like to have a full list of total murders, robberies, raids, kidnaps, etc. It just adds to the roleplay and gives people more insight on who they are nearby to, so people know not to mess with them.

Let me know what you think, feel free to be as critical as you like :))
By GhostDragon
I'm assuming only things they have been arrested for would appear? Because it would be straight dumb for someone to raid when no one else is on, and it still appear in their record.
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By Matty
I'm assuming only things they have been arrested for would appear? Because it would be straight dumb for someone to raid when no one else is on, and it still appear in their record.
I mean, yes and no. Might not be really realistic but it is impressive to see someone who has lots of raids and such, adds to roleplay giving characters a reason to be feared rather than a number of negative digits of reputation.
By GhostDragon
I feel like we could almost make two separate things here. An overall statistics sorts thing like you two have described, aswell as a more realistic one of all crimes you have been punished for. Be that punishment arrests, warrants, possibly even tickets.
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By MattCobra
Already a thing.
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By Pablo Escobar.
Already a thing.
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By Matty
Already a thing.
Like i said before it exists but i would like to add to it, i want it to be so cops could see all crimes committed, i never had anything on my record because no one jailed or charged me, and i was thre most dangerous villain back in the time ;)