- April 13th, 2023, 5:47 am
Commands: Network
GameUnlink - Aliases: DiscordUnlink, Unlink - Help: Unlinks your steam account from your discord account. - Group Required: Any.
Quests - Aliases: NetworkQuests - Help: Shows the current Network Quest, and your completion status for them, as well as xp rewards and more. - Group Required: Any.
NextLevel - Aliases: nnl, nextnetworklevel, next - Help: Shows the XP you are away from the next Network Level - Group Required: Any.
RankColor - Help: Sets your rank color- Syntax: <Color> - Color to set your rank color to. For example, /rankcolor red - Group Required: Any.
PlusColor - Help: Set your MVP+ Plus Color- Syntax: <Plus Color> - For Example, /PlusColor Blue - Group Required: Any.
XP - Aliases: level, nxp, xp - Help: See your Network XP - Group Required: Any.
Join - Help: Joins a player's server. Specify the player by their discriminator- Syntax: <Discriminator> - Player to join - Group Required: Any.
Lobby - Help: Sends you to a lobby, preferring one within the same region as the server you are on. - Group Required: Any.
Server - Help: Allows you to join a specific server.- Syntax: <Server Number> - Joins the specified server number. For example, /server #10. - Group Required: Any.
Discriminator - Help: Allows you to see your own discriminator, another player's discriminator, or disable/enable yours from changing.- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Shows your discriminator, <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Shows another player's discriminator, Disable - Disables your discriminator from updating on join, Enable - Enables your discriminator updating on join. - Group Required: Any.
HideRank - Aliases: hider - Help: Toggles hiding your player rank - Group Required: Any.
HideSubscription - Aliases: HideSub - Help: Toggles hiding your subscription - Group Required: Any.
WhereAmI - Help: Tells you what server and what server type you are on. - Group Required: Any.
GameLink - Aliases: Link, DiscordLink - Help: Informs you of your link status, or generates a verification code you can use to link your Discord account with. - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Utility
Inpoint - Help: Tells you if you are in a map point or not. - Group Required: Any.
ShowPlayers - Help: Toggles showing/hiding players - Group Required: Any.
VirtualStorage - Aliases: vault - Help: Opens a virtual storage container- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Opens the largest virtual storage you have access to, <Vault Name> - Attempts to open the vault with the specified name - Group Required: Any.
Door - Aliases: GetDoor - Help: Gives you a door, for when you lost yours. - Group Required: Any.
Trade - Help: Virtual Trading System.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Starts a trade with someone, accept <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Accepts/Starts a date with someone, open - Opens your virtual trade container, show - Shows your trade partner's virtual trade container, confirm - Confirms the trade. Both Players must confirm, XP - Offers an amount of XP in the trade (Unturnov/XP Based Servers), Bamboo - Offers an amount of bamboo in the trade (RP/Bamboo based servers - Group Required: Any.
KillFeed - Help: Toggles Hiding the killfeed in Chat/UI - Group Required: Any.
ShowCombat - Aliases: Combat - Help: Toggles On/Off Combat Notifications, for when you enter/exit combat and cannot TPA/Home. - Group Required: Any.
Landmark - Help: Tells you the closest landmark to you - Group Required: Any.
TPS - Help: See the server's current TPS, as well as the FixedUpdate (Physics Update Rate). - Group Required: Any.
p - Aliases: Permissions - Help: Tells you the basic commands of the server type you are on. - Group Required: Any.
CheckGroup - Help: Displays the group of the object you are facing. - Group Required: Any.
Feedback - Aliases: idea, suggestion, suggest, enhancement, feature, bug - Help: Allows you to submit feedback.- Syntax: <Suggestion/Idea:Text> - Group Required: Any.
TransferObj - Help: Transfers all buildables you own to your current group. You and other group members may need to relog to see the effects. - Group Required: Any.
Dice - Aliases: die, dices - Help: Outputs the result of rolling a die to local chat - Group Required: Any.
CoinFlip - Aliases: cf, Flip - Help: Prints the result of a coin flip to local chat - Group Required: Any.
RandomNumber - Aliases: Number - Help: Prints the result of a random number flip.- Syntax: With no parameters, it will default to 0-100, <Min-Range> <Max-Range> - For example, /number 200 400 will print a random number between 200 and 400. - Group Required: Any.
DisableChat - Aliases: DisableWorldChat, DisableLocalChat - Help: Allows you to disable world or area chat. - Group Required: Any.
Ignore - Aliases: ignoreplayer, block - Help: Allows you to block communication with another player. This is only valid for this server until it restarts. Blocks you from seeing their chat messages, DMs, and TPA Requests.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Group Required: Any.
CheckTime - Help: Displays the group of the object you are facing. - Group Required: Any.
Sub - Help: Displays your current subscription and when it will expire - Group Required: Any.
Experience - Aliases: exp, xp - Help: Shows your Player Skill XP (Not Network XP) - Group Required: Any.
DoorTP - Help: Sends you to an owned door (long cooldown) - Group Required: Any.
Unstuck - Help: Teleports you back to the elevator, if you are in a safe area, on Unturnov - Group Required: Any.
Trash - Aliases: Garbage - Help: Virtual Storage used for Trash. Anything input in here is thrown anyway - Group Required: Any.
TransferVehicle - Help: Transfers the vehicle you are looking at to the specified player- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Specify the player to transfer the vehicle you are facing to. - Group Required: Any.
Ammo - Help: Buys ammo for the gun you are currently holding- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Buys one magazine for the gun you are holding, <Amount of Magazines to buy> - Buys the specified amount of mags for the gun you are holding - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Basic
Vote - Aliases: Daily - Help: States that we do not have any vote or daily. - Group Required: Any.
CallVote - Aliases: cv - Help: Displays that we have no plans for callvote. - Group Required: Any.
MaxSkills - Help: Tells you that on our servers, some will give you max skills on respawn/join. The ones that don't, also do not have /maxskills or anything like it. - Group Required: Any.
Reply - Aliases: r - Help: Replies to the player who last PMed you- Syntax: <message> - Group Required: Any.
Warp - Aliases: Warps - Help: States that we do not have any Warp command. If you're on unturnov, you can use /elevator. Otherwise you can use /tpa to teleport to your friends. - Group Required: Any.
Decay - Help: Tells you information about what decay system this server is using. - Group Required: Any.
Info - Aliases: stat, playercard - Help: Shows your own or someone else's player stats on https://stats.pandahut.net- Syntax: , <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Group Required: Any.
Help - Aliases: Support, Error - Help: Sends you to our help page (https://help.pandahut.net) - Group Required: Any.
Regels - Help: Sends you the rules in dutch. - Group Required: Any.
Reglas - Help: Sends you the rules in spanish - Group Required: Any.
Rules - Aliases: rp, rules - Help: Sends you to the server's rules - Group Required: Any.
Store - Aliases: BuyRank, VIP, VIPPLUS, MVP, MVPPLUS, MVPPLUSPLUS, DONATE - Help: Sends you to the server's store. - Group Required: Any.
Vaults - Help: Shows you the Vaults you have access to - Group Required: Any.
Mods - Help: States you can see the mods this server is using on the Server Browser Preview Screen. This eventually is planned to be more useful and link to a steam collection. - Group Required: Any.
Commands - Help: Sends you to the commands page. - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Core
PM - Aliases: dm, msg - Help: Allows you to Direct Message other players online, as long as you are not muted.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> <message>, set <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Sets a player for quick PMs, <message> - PMs the player you have set for Quick PMs - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Economy
Balance - Aliases: bal, Bamboo, money - Help: Shows your bamboo balance, or if you are on Rust/Unturnov, your XP. - Group Required: Any.
BalanceLog - Aliases: history, log - Help: Shows some of your recent Bamboo transactions - Group Required: Any.
Pay - Help: Allows you to pay another player bamboo (or on Unturnov/Rust, Skill XP)- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> <Amount> - Pays the specified player the specified amount of bamboo/xp. - Group Required: Any.
Sellbox - Help: Opens the Sellbox, a virtual storage container. Anything you put into it will be sold. - Group Required: Any.
GameUnlink - Aliases: DiscordUnlink, Unlink - Help: Unlinks your steam account from your discord account. - Group Required: Any.
Quests - Aliases: NetworkQuests - Help: Shows the current Network Quest, and your completion status for them, as well as xp rewards and more. - Group Required: Any.
NextLevel - Aliases: nnl, nextnetworklevel, next - Help: Shows the XP you are away from the next Network Level - Group Required: Any.
RankColor - Help: Sets your rank color- Syntax: <Color> - Color to set your rank color to. For example, /rankcolor red - Group Required: Any.
PlusColor - Help: Set your MVP+ Plus Color- Syntax: <Plus Color> - For Example, /PlusColor Blue - Group Required: Any.
XP - Aliases: level, nxp, xp - Help: See your Network XP - Group Required: Any.
Join - Help: Joins a player's server. Specify the player by their discriminator- Syntax: <Discriminator> - Player to join - Group Required: Any.
Lobby - Help: Sends you to a lobby, preferring one within the same region as the server you are on. - Group Required: Any.
Server - Help: Allows you to join a specific server.- Syntax: <Server Number> - Joins the specified server number. For example, /server #10. - Group Required: Any.
Discriminator - Help: Allows you to see your own discriminator, another player's discriminator, or disable/enable yours from changing.- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Shows your discriminator, <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Shows another player's discriminator, Disable - Disables your discriminator from updating on join, Enable - Enables your discriminator updating on join. - Group Required: Any.
HideRank - Aliases: hider - Help: Toggles hiding your player rank - Group Required: Any.
HideSubscription - Aliases: HideSub - Help: Toggles hiding your subscription - Group Required: Any.
WhereAmI - Help: Tells you what server and what server type you are on. - Group Required: Any.
GameLink - Aliases: Link, DiscordLink - Help: Informs you of your link status, or generates a verification code you can use to link your Discord account with. - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Utility
Inpoint - Help: Tells you if you are in a map point or not. - Group Required: Any.
ShowPlayers - Help: Toggles showing/hiding players - Group Required: Any.
VirtualStorage - Aliases: vault - Help: Opens a virtual storage container- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Opens the largest virtual storage you have access to, <Vault Name> - Attempts to open the vault with the specified name - Group Required: Any.
Door - Aliases: GetDoor - Help: Gives you a door, for when you lost yours. - Group Required: Any.
Trade - Help: Virtual Trading System.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Starts a trade with someone, accept <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Accepts/Starts a date with someone, open - Opens your virtual trade container, show - Shows your trade partner's virtual trade container, confirm - Confirms the trade. Both Players must confirm, XP - Offers an amount of XP in the trade (Unturnov/XP Based Servers), Bamboo - Offers an amount of bamboo in the trade (RP/Bamboo based servers - Group Required: Any.
KillFeed - Help: Toggles Hiding the killfeed in Chat/UI - Group Required: Any.
ShowCombat - Aliases: Combat - Help: Toggles On/Off Combat Notifications, for when you enter/exit combat and cannot TPA/Home. - Group Required: Any.
Landmark - Help: Tells you the closest landmark to you - Group Required: Any.
TPS - Help: See the server's current TPS, as well as the FixedUpdate (Physics Update Rate). - Group Required: Any.
p - Aliases: Permissions - Help: Tells you the basic commands of the server type you are on. - Group Required: Any.
CheckGroup - Help: Displays the group of the object you are facing. - Group Required: Any.
Feedback - Aliases: idea, suggestion, suggest, enhancement, feature, bug - Help: Allows you to submit feedback.- Syntax: <Suggestion/Idea:Text> - Group Required: Any.
TransferObj - Help: Transfers all buildables you own to your current group. You and other group members may need to relog to see the effects. - Group Required: Any.
Dice - Aliases: die, dices - Help: Outputs the result of rolling a die to local chat - Group Required: Any.
CoinFlip - Aliases: cf, Flip - Help: Prints the result of a coin flip to local chat - Group Required: Any.
RandomNumber - Aliases: Number - Help: Prints the result of a random number flip.- Syntax: With no parameters, it will default to 0-100, <Min-Range> <Max-Range> - For example, /number 200 400 will print a random number between 200 and 400. - Group Required: Any.
DisableChat - Aliases: DisableWorldChat, DisableLocalChat - Help: Allows you to disable world or area chat. - Group Required: Any.
Ignore - Aliases: ignoreplayer, block - Help: Allows you to block communication with another player. This is only valid for this server until it restarts. Blocks you from seeing their chat messages, DMs, and TPA Requests.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Group Required: Any.
CheckTime - Help: Displays the group of the object you are facing. - Group Required: Any.
Sub - Help: Displays your current subscription and when it will expire - Group Required: Any.
Experience - Aliases: exp, xp - Help: Shows your Player Skill XP (Not Network XP) - Group Required: Any.
DoorTP - Help: Sends you to an owned door (long cooldown) - Group Required: Any.
Unstuck - Help: Teleports you back to the elevator, if you are in a safe area, on Unturnov - Group Required: Any.
Trash - Aliases: Garbage - Help: Virtual Storage used for Trash. Anything input in here is thrown anyway - Group Required: Any.
TransferVehicle - Help: Transfers the vehicle you are looking at to the specified player- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Specify the player to transfer the vehicle you are facing to. - Group Required: Any.
Ammo - Help: Buys ammo for the gun you are currently holding- Syntax: <No Parameters> - Buys one magazine for the gun you are holding, <Amount of Magazines to buy> - Buys the specified amount of mags for the gun you are holding - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Basic
Vote - Aliases: Daily - Help: States that we do not have any vote or daily. - Group Required: Any.
CallVote - Aliases: cv - Help: Displays that we have no plans for callvote. - Group Required: Any.
MaxSkills - Help: Tells you that on our servers, some will give you max skills on respawn/join. The ones that don't, also do not have /maxskills or anything like it. - Group Required: Any.
Reply - Aliases: r - Help: Replies to the player who last PMed you- Syntax: <message> - Group Required: Any.
Warp - Aliases: Warps - Help: States that we do not have any Warp command. If you're on unturnov, you can use /elevator. Otherwise you can use /tpa to teleport to your friends. - Group Required: Any.
Decay - Help: Tells you information about what decay system this server is using. - Group Required: Any.
Info - Aliases: stat, playercard - Help: Shows your own or someone else's player stats on https://stats.pandahut.net- Syntax: , <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Group Required: Any.
Help - Aliases: Support, Error - Help: Sends you to our help page (https://help.pandahut.net) - Group Required: Any.
Regels - Help: Sends you the rules in dutch. - Group Required: Any.
Reglas - Help: Sends you the rules in spanish - Group Required: Any.
Rules - Aliases: rp, rules - Help: Sends you to the server's rules - Group Required: Any.
Store - Aliases: BuyRank, VIP, VIPPLUS, MVP, MVPPLUS, MVPPLUSPLUS, DONATE - Help: Sends you to the server's store. - Group Required: Any.
Vaults - Help: Shows you the Vaults you have access to - Group Required: Any.
Mods - Help: States you can see the mods this server is using on the Server Browser Preview Screen. This eventually is planned to be more useful and link to a steam collection. - Group Required: Any.
Commands - Help: Sends you to the commands page. - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Core
PM - Aliases: dm, msg - Help: Allows you to Direct Message other players online, as long as you are not muted.- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> <message>, set <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> - Sets a player for quick PMs, <message> - PMs the player you have set for Quick PMs - Group Required: Any.
Commands: Economy
Balance - Aliases: bal, Bamboo, money - Help: Shows your bamboo balance, or if you are on Rust/Unturnov, your XP. - Group Required: Any.
BalanceLog - Aliases: history, log - Help: Shows some of your recent Bamboo transactions - Group Required: Any.
Pay - Help: Allows you to pay another player bamboo (or on Unturnov/Rust, Skill XP)- Syntax: <Player Steam/Character Name, SteamID64, or Discriminator> <Amount> - Pays the specified player the specified amount of bamboo/xp. - Group Required: Any.
Sellbox - Help: Opens the Sellbox, a virtual storage container. Anything you put into it will be sold. - Group Required: Any.
- You can get in contact with me via Discord or Steam
- FeelArise / Steam Invite
- I am a former RP Super Mod, PVP Administrator and Forum Moderator.
- Used to help with Forums, Discord & Minigames.