Community-Created RP Guides, Tips and Tutorials!
Hello my in-game name is Dr.Dongus and I was a bandit for a long while(100+hrs) and I finally made the upgrade to kidnapper.
Kidnapping is an extremely complex robbery so to speak. as you have to transport the hostage(if he even complies), evade police, and make sure he doesn't get his friends on you.

Step 1- Planning-you have to pick a target, follow him for a bit to check to see if he has friends or a group, also make sure you find all cops in the area as they can Kos you.

Step 2- Double checking - You have to be fast, have your hostage transport vehicle ready to go and hidden away, have all your hotkeys done, and most importantly CHECK FOR COPS. I can't stress this enough, one cop could ruin the whole thing so always,always, know where the cops are.

Step 3- The Pounce- you are moving in on the target, having double checked to make sure no cops are around, you get close by offering the man a trade deal. Offer to buy something he is wearing, while he is moving his gear around that's when you do you /kidnap. He pulls a gun kill him. If he complies, ziptie him and bring him to the vehicle(I use a heli for safety).

Step 4-Now the real fun begins- once you reach your base, lock him up and start the negotiating. During this time you can advertise in chat that you are selling a geared fello, good n strong, only 2k. If you get an offer, use a pm conversation to set up a meeting point away from your base as it could be a cop trap. Or if nobody buys then start the long process of letting them starve or pay up. During this time you have to watch for cops doing a /rescue in chat and make sure you threatin the hostage, "if you give away our position, I will blow your frikin brains out!" Works pretty good. Yup so if they are gonna pay, double check the payment they give you etc.. but if they don't complie the fastest way is to shoot them in the leg to show your serious and that they are wasting your time, then you just wait till they starve or dehydrate.

Step 5-Congrats, you just trafficked or kidnapped your first player. Welcome to roleplay and the great wealth of gear and bamboo you make from your hostages. Happy Hunting.
Brings back memories of playing as a kidnapper and setting up an arsenal of gorgeous white vans. Oh, I miss thee, dearest van!
hostage gets a heli ride before he dies :laugh:
Aw how considerate of you :)
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By Matty
My base is usually an elevated tower, with a holding cell and PvP windows to gun down cops and any idiots that shoot at me.
Thank you for your base cords.
Ok "buddy" you should probably get your forum account fixed. Add a signature, and ur rank in it. Ur such a nub :) -This is how u talk
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By xDreamLand
When in a hostage situation the police officers have to type the /rescue command.
No one else can kill the hostager. So If he has a friend or groupmember wich is a weaponsmith he only can call; /police "Hostage Situation at ...".