Community-Created RP Guides, Tips and Tutorials!
Hey Guys

Yesterday I thought back when I was a trial, I personally wanted to make a difference and hopefully to this day I have made enough of a impact that that goal was achieved. All those months ago the staff team was incredibly small to what it is now, KOS was a problem that occurred almost every time I was only, there was no /restoreinv back then and you were very, very lucky to get your stuff back.

The thought of applying is daunting to say the least and the application process is very hard. But in the end it is worth it, your doing something, helping the players with the reoccurring problem of KOS and banning those who do wrong.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • My Application was Declined why was this?

Your application was most likely declined for the following reasons
  • Lack Of Information on application
  • Lack Of Permission to apply
  • Too many bans on record
  • Low hours or activeness

Lack of Information
The lack of information on most applications leaves them stale and gives bad first impressions on the poster of the appliaction. This is also a focal point on the application and often leads to a -1, ran out of ideas on what to write? no problem! Write about what YOU personally are going to do and how YOU are going to help the server in your own way, never write about frequently said things, I will give an example "I want to be staff so I can stop KOS", or this "there is no staff on when im on" we have multiple ways of contacting staff members including so use them!
Lack of Permission
If you are below the age of Eighteen (18) years of age to apply for staff on the servers, not Eighteen fear not! If you are below the age of eighteen you must gain permission from one of the listed names below You can contact the staff by clicking on the hyperlink, sending a friend request to them and messaging them about the issue. Beware these staff are extremely busy most of the time and may not be able to reply to your messages as soon as you send them, has that staff member not responded within the hour? carry on to the next RP Admin and message them about the issue

Too many bans on record
When accumulating hours you may have some bans on your record, depending on the severity this could hamper your ability to assume the staff rank. When I first played I was very, very lucky to choose a non-lethal role or I most likely would have been banned for KOS etc. Have too many bans on your record, no problem just play for at least one (1) month without a single ban, warning etc and your chances of getting mod increase from then on. If you have a more serious previous ban such as a PERMA or four (4) days or more your chances of getting mod are slim.

Low hours or activeness

To apply for staff you must have at least 70 hours play time on the servers. I personally recommend you have 90-120 hours before you apply for staff to have a better understanding of the rules/ how the server works. You still may not know all the stuff that you need to but that's why we have the trial-mod rank, to learn those things. You want a minimum of 1-3 hours of playtime a day at least, the more the better for the chances of your application being accepted. Have less, find a solution, do you have a good timezone, attitude etc

  • How long does it take for Staff to respond?

For your application to be accepted and or declined it will most likely take 2 weeks, if your application is declined you must wait a minimum of two (2) weeks before you are able to apply for mod again, if you post another application within 2 weeks your application will be automatically declined by staff members and your account could be subject to a warning/termination.

  • Where do I apply for the staff rank?
Once you have gained permission, hours and enough community support you may want to make a application in our Staff Applications - Roleplay Servers section! Remember you preferably need permission BEFORE you apply not after or you will be given a timer by which point you need to get permission within the given time which in turn puts more stress on yourself to gain permission to apply, so just do it before!

Continuing soon!
Danny Dog, Legit Doses, Helena and 5 others liked this
Sudath liked this
Thanks for taking time to make this!
what if my applications were declined for a reason different from lack of info, perms, 2 many bans and inactiveness?
how do i improve if the decline was based on a personal opinion from another staff member
Lack of feedback, permission to skip age, and too many bans/inactive are not personal opinions.
We do not want staff members that are "troublemakers" or tend to get banned a lot, or staff members that are very inactive.
Helena liked this
what if my applications were declined for a reason different from lack of info, perms, 2 many bans and inactiveness?
how do i improve if the decline was based on a personal opinion from another staff member
Lack of feedback, permission to skip age, and too many bans/inactive are not personal opinions.
We do not want staff members that are "troublemakers" or tend to get banned a lot, or staff members that are very inactive.
No, what i mean was that for example one of my apps had no negative feedback, it was abck then when i played like 4 hours daily at rp, but i got in aproblem wiht 3 staff members related to a raid, and in the middle of the mod sit tey all went into my app and posted "-1 ta troll" and that feedback was the one that got it declined