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State of Washington Laws by Mayor Reek! (Updated 6/17/17)

Unread postPosted:June 7th, 2017, 2:00 pm
by Dutchy
Washington Seattle - Laws & Policies [RP] [#10] 
Please beware this is NOT rules, only RP laws which police must enforce.
Office Term: the 8th 00:00 EST to the 7th of July 23:59.
Current Mayor of Washington Mayor's Office: Mayor Reek
Preceded by: Mayor RageQuit
Official State Police Application:
The Ballot of June:
General Information
- This is the official handbook & laws of Washington Server used for citizens & officers.
- Please be warned the crimes do have set times and bails if a Judge isn't online for role-play reasons!
- All Officers will be REQUIRED to enforce all these laws.
- Any corruptions WILL result in a demotion no matter the rank in the force at the time of demotion or removal..
- All officers, swat, etc MUST be in state issued uniforms any officer who is not in uniform will be warned and if he does not get dressed will be demoted.
- Anyone found not following orders from a higher ranking officer will result in a DEMOTION all higher ranking officers MUST provide photo evidence or recordings to the Police Moderators in-charge of the police force investigations for demotions. At this time no other moderators or admins is allowed to issue demotions, so if a higher up wishes for someone to be demoted they MUST get in contact with Reek, RageQuit, or Klockmann for the demotion. The Mayor may over ride any demotions that the moderator issues if deemed fit at that time. If you need to request a demotion for a police officer you must file a player report under report a player and one of the three police moderators will review the report and decide if the officer is demoted...

Traffic Laws
Refusal To Pay Ticket  If you don't pay your traffic ticket on time, a chief, deputy, or captain of the police department (Judges also applied) may issue a warrant for your arrest which may result in a maximum imprisonment time of 20 minutes.
Failing To Yield- Any driver failing to yield for pedestrians in the cross walk or street light will be cited. The ticket issued is at officer discretion, but must not be more than 1000B according to server rules...
Parking- All vehicles MUST be parked in a validated parking lot. If vehicles are parked elsewhere one of the three may happen;
Vehicle confiscation
Vehicle Destroyed
Vehicle Confiscation – Chief or higher; Have your vehicle removed, Via stealy wheely then placed in storage. May pay 300B for the vehicle back.
Vehicle Destroyed – Chief or higher must give a 30 second warning in chat that they will destroy the vehicle. If owner returns within 30 seconds they will be allowed to move the vehicle to a valid location.
Fined – If Officers and higher see’s you leave your vehicle in a non-validated area you will be charged with a maximum of 1000B.
Aircraft- Officers and citizens are not allowed to own aircraft, exceptions are;
Citizens - Otter, Sandpiper, Bouncer
Mechanic – Sky crane, Otter, Sandpiper, Bouncer
Officer – Police Helicopter, Otter, Sandpiper, Bouncer
SWAT – Hummingbird, Otter, Sandpiper, Bouncer
Chief + Higher – All types of aircraft
If caught with an illegal aircraft prior to your role you will be fined by an officer or higher and your aircraft will be destroyed.
Wreckless Driving-If caught wreck less driving you will be pulled aside to pay a fine/ticket that will be decided by the officer or higher role. Judge will also set a jail time for you which will be a maximum of 20 minutes. As well your vehicle being confiscated and may be bought back for 300BObstruction Of View You may not have anything obstructing your view. If you do an officer may issue a repair ticket and have you fix the vehicle...

Gun Laws
Illegal Fire Arms- The following weapons are not allowed to be seen or used in the state of Washington;
All high caliber guns apart from Desert Falcon
Hell’s Fury
All Explosive type guns or launcher.
All types of modified ammo (Explosive arrows, Tracer + Fragmentation Magazines)
An officer or higher who see these weapons is to be arrested under the term of illegal firearms, thus taking the arrest precautions as usual. Officers are to /trash the firearms. Once arrested successfully they will be given a jail time by officer’s discretion. Judges may give a jail time maximum of 20 minutes.
Police- Police MUST always use the command /trash to destroy any weapons that have been seized during an arrest or raid... Any officer failing to trash weapons will demoted instantly without warning.

Trespassing- A new law developed by Reek, anyone who is Trespassing may be arrested by the Police Department in order to prevent more deaths in our fine city. The subject will be issued a ticket by the officers and also may be arrested up to 15 minutes jail time if no judge is online.
Illegal items- Anyone found carrying berries, explosives, glue, rails or unlicensed firearms will have the items removed and /trashed. You will be arrested on site and a Judge will decide your imprisonment time. If no judge online it will be 4 minutes in jail per illegal item and be issued a ticket...
Jaywalking- Jaywalking in the street is illegal you may be issued a ticket by the officer for Jaywalking.
Raiding- Anyone found raiding will be arrested on site all weapons stripped and not returned. If no judge is online they may serve 20 minutes in Jail and be issued a ticket. This only applies once the raiders who have survived have looted all the loot within 10 minutes. Stated by role-play rules.

First Degree Murder (Planned Out)- Will be arrested and charged, if no judge is online officers may send you to jail for 15 minutes and be issued a ticket...
Second Degree Murder (Unplanned)- Will be arrested and charge if no judge online officers may send you to jail for 10 minutes and be issued a ticket...
Kidnapping- Anyone kidnapping or holding someone for ransom will be arrested and charged if no judge online the officer may jail you for 10 minutes and be issued a ticket...
Selling Firearms If you are caught selling firearms to a citizen on who is not a weapon smith, you and the person buying will be arrested and fined from officer's discretion. Jail time will also be set but if no judge is online the jail time set is 5 minutes. Judge may only give maximum jail time of 20 minutes.
Example. Decorator Sells colt to Farmer = Both accountable for arrest.
Example. Decorator Sells colt to Weaponsmith = Fair Deal
Example. Weapon smith Sells colt to Farmer = Fair Deal

Police Officer Law's
Police Uniforms- All officers MUST wear proper uniform assigned in their kit. Any officers not wearing proper uniform will be warned once by Chief or Higher Role. If they do not wear their uniform after the warning the chief will submit a player report on the forums and request the officer to be removed from role by one of the Police Moderators Reek, RageQuit, or Klockmann. The Police Moderator's may remove roles without a report if they witness the law being broke..
Licensed Firearms- All officers are allowed to have their own weapons ;however, any officer who has a unlicensed firearm will be arrested and demoted with no warnings. Any officer who arrests a fellow officer may request that officer to be removed from role by submitting a player report on forums. If he does not submit the report the officer will remain on the job. If the Police Moderator's witness the crime they do not need a report to demote...
Police Vehicles- All officers may use a police vehicle ;however, any officers breaking traffic laws will have their rights removed to drive a vehicle. They will be told to conduct foot patrol.
Unlawful Arrest- Any officers conducting a unlawful arrest will be stripped of their role without warning, and will be arrested on site with no warnings. All officers must have a legit reason for an arrest if you conduct an unlawful arrest you may serve up to 20 minutes in jail and up to a 1000 Ticket...
Following Order's- Any officer not following order's from a higher ranking officer may be subject to demotion or removal from police force without warning. Always follow order's from higher ranking officers. You can tell rankings by role or in-game name Example: (Major) Perkins or Example: Perkins [Chief] an officer can be a role or title. Please respect higher officers and always follow order's!
Check Player- You can not randomly /checkplayer you must have a legit reason to search the player. Such as seeing a fire-arm that's illegal in their hands or breaking a law. Just like in real-life you will not randomly be checked. Any officers who abuse this command without a legal reason will be removed from police department.

For other information refer to the Updated Police Guide written by JeanP103: