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Dre’s guide to properly banning people

So first things first you have to have a reason of course and a mod sit

So you do /tp “player's name” or pm them and tell them your tp’ing them to you. Now you talk with the suspect and victim. You ask why the suspect did what he did and now you base the ban time off of the reason. Say it was a accident then lower then ban time to your liking, Say they say “i hate rp i don't care about this server it sucks” well then you ban them for “no intent to rp”

You can find the length’s of bans for what reasons “NOTE this is mod discretion you can increase or decrease the time just don't be drastic ... edit#gid=0

Now how to properly place bans, first you do /ban of course. So now these are different ways to place/ type a ban

What is below will be the basic setup i will now go over proper ways to type it

/ban “player’s name or steam id 64” “Reason, Reason, *insert whats below*, length of ban” (now put in the time so like 0.1- how ever big hours, or days

ReadRules or appeal “based on how new they are” *<<<< this is what is below*

--/ban “dre james” “KOS//BanEvade//” 1 day *my personal choice*

--/ban “dre james” “KOS/ BanEvade/ 1Day” 1 day

--/ban “dre james” “KOS, BanEvade,, 1Day” 1 day

So now you know how to have a mod sit, and make a proper ban
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